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才思教育考研考博全心全意 中国海洋大学翻译硕士考研真题及答案 中国海洋大学(回忆+原题) 翻译硕士英语 一、30道选择题,每个1分,前20题左右如果你是六级的水平,那么四个选项里有三个单 词你是不熟悉的,这是单词关。后10题左右都是常用语,比如 B.on C.of。 二、阅读理解,共四篇,满分40分。前两篇是ABCD,后两篇是QA,每篇文章都是5个小 题,每小题2分。 第一篇,是讲心理历史学与普通历史学。 第二篇,是讲某个地方的旅游业发展。 第三篇,讲labor market problem 的。 第四篇,讲interview的。 三、英语写作,400字。 nowadays,college and university students are required to work on 什么 group project,all the students get the same score,问你 agree 不agree,然后举例证明观 更多资料下载: 才思教育考研考博全心全意 点。意思就是大学生实施分组制学习,组里所有同学分数都一样,好还是不好。30分。 英语翻译基础 一、英译汉: DNA FTP FAO GPS SCO GATT WSPA WIPO CAFTA UNHRC;Agent ad litem…… 二、汉译英: 论语 佛教 收视率 京剧脸谱 温室效应 电脑动画 保税港区 法人实体 领土完整 博鳌亚洲论坛 空气污染指数 和平共处五项原则 黑社会性质的组织 三、英译汉: As China Rolls Ahead, Fear Follows For nearly two years, China’s turbocharged economy has raced ahead with the aid of a huge government stimulus program and aggressive lending by state-run banks. 更多资料下载: 才思教育考研考博全心全意 But a growing number of economists now worry that China — the world’s fastest growingeconomyandapillar of strengthduringtheglobalfinancialcrisis— could be stalled next year by soaring inflation, mounting government debt and asset bubbles. Two credit ratings agencies, Moody’s and Fitch Ratings, sayChina is still poised for growth, yet they have also recently warned about hidden risks in its banking system.Fitch evenhinted at thepossibility of anotherwave of nonperforming loans tied to the property market. In the late 1990s and early this decade, the Chinese government was forced to bail outandrecapitalizethesesamestate-runbanksbecauseasoaringnumberofbad loans had left them nearly insolvent. Those banks are much stronger now, after a series of record public stock offerings in recent years that have raised billions of dollars from global investors.


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