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第19卷第2期 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版) V01.19 No.2 2007年4月 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Natural Science) Apr.2007 基于模糊自适应的汽车ABS路面辨识技术* 李锐h2,郑太雄1,冯辉宗1,李银国1,陈伟民2 (1.重庆邮电大学自动化学院,重庆400065;2.重庆大学光电工程学院,重庆400044) 摘 要:实时有效辨识路面对防抱死制动系统(ABS)的制动安全性具有重要意义。分析了车辆制动特性,提出了 一种用轮速峰值连线求解参考车速的方法。为了有效辨别制动时的路面信息,在设计基于轮减速度和参考滑移率 的模糊智能推理算法的基础上,给出了用仿人智能思想来在线修改模糊控制参数的自适应推理算法。车的实时 ABS道路测试表明,模糊自适应路面辨识技术具有良好的制动平稳性和自适应性,提高了辨识路面突变的实时性, 简单实用,是一种新的有效ABS路面辨识法。 关键词:汽车防抱死制动系统;模糊自适应;仿人智能;路面辨识;道路测试 中图分类号:TP272;U463 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673 825X(2007)02— 0201 05 Road automatic identification of automobile ABS via fuzzy adaptive method LI Ruil~,ZHENG Tai— xion91,FENG Hui— zon91,I。I Yin— gu01,CHEN Wei— min2 (1.College of Automation.Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Chongqing 400065,P.R.China 2.College of Opto— Electronic Engineering,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,P.R.China) Abstract:The real-time and effective road automatic identification is important for the braking security of anti— lock braking system(ABS).In this paper,the brake characteristics are analyzed a new method that uses variational wheel velocity peak values tO calculate vehicle reference velocity is propoged.Based on designing the fuzzy intelligent reasoning algorithms with the inputs of wheel deceleration and reference slip ratio,an adaptive reasoning method is studied,which can online adjust quantization factor and scale factor of fuzzy control by human simulation intelligent parameter modifying idea.Road test results show that compared to traditional logic gate algorithm,the fuzzy adap tive algorithm is an effective new ABS road automatic identification method that has better braking stability and ada ptiviness,which improves the response ability. Key words:automobile anti— lock braking system;fuzzy adaptive algorithm;human-simulation intelligent reasoning; road automatic identification;road test 0 引 言 自适应性不强,且需要大量试验匹配参数;对比车轮 理论减速度与车轮实际减速度的方法需要知道汽车 装有防抱死制动系统(ABS)的汽车在不同附着 的质量,而实际的ABS很难知道汽车装载任意质量


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