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中华放射医学与防护杂志2016年12月第36卷第12期  Chin J Radiol Med Prot,December2016,Vol. 36,No. 12 ·935 · ·辐射剂量· 三种双剂量计法估算介入术者 有效剂量比较 王强  付强  林琳 213022 常州市疾病预防控制中心 DOI:103760/ cma.j.issn.0254⁃5098201612012     【摘要】  目的  比较3种双剂量计算法估算介入术者有效剂量的优劣。 方法  在仿真人体模 内布放热释光剂量片并将体模置于介入术者位置,在体模外穿戴铅防护衣、铅围脖和铅帽,并在铅 衣内左前胸和铅围脖外左侧放置个人剂量计,在手术台上放置散射模体,分别为CIRS放疗调强体 模和CT剂量检测模体,模拟介入手术曝光条件曝光一定时间,通过器官组织吸收剂量估算有效剂 量;以3种双剂量计法计算有效剂量并与体模法结果进行比较。结果  得到两组各4个有效剂量结 果,即使用CIRS放疗调强体模时,体模法、NCRP法、Niklason法和Boetticher法分别为0138、0097、 0161和0173 mSv;使用 CT 剂量检测模体时分别为0018、0013、0019 和0026 mSv。 其中, Niklason法与体模法最为接近。 结论  对于估算介入术者的有效剂量,Niklason法更为准确和实用。 【关键词】  介入;  仿真人;  有效剂量;  双剂量计 Estimation of interventional radiology worker′s effective dose by using three kinds of double⁃ dosimetry algorithms  Wang Qiang,Fu Qiang,LinLin Department of Occupational Disease Prevention, Changzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Changzhou213022,China 【Abstract】  Objective  To compare three kinds of double⁃dosimetry algorithms used in estimating interventional radiology worker′s effective dose. Methods  TLDs were put in the Alderson Radiation Therapy Phantom (ARTP) dressedwith lead apron,lead cap and lead collar. TLDswere put on thefront left chest inside the lead apron and on the left outside lead collar, respectively. Radiation scattering models,intensity⁃modulated radiotherapy body model at one time and CT dose detection model at another time,were put ontheoperatingtable. TheARTPwassetatthemajoroperator′spositionexposedtotheX⁃ ray,mimicking the real interventional radiology operation. Effective doses were estimated on the basis of organ absorbed doses. Effective doses were also obtained by the use of three kinds of double⁃dosimetry algorithms. The later three effective doses were compared with the first one. Results  Two groups of effective doses were obtained,with each including f


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