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* ◎背景音乐: 童声版《we will rock you》——干净的童音本来就给人一种愉悦感,依云矿泉水选用《we will rock you》作为背景音乐,营造了一种活泼、动感的氛围,让人不自觉就跟着节拍变的兴奋起来。 We will rock you -- clean sound would give people a sense of pleasure, Evian mineral water use we will rock you as background music, to create a lively, vibrant atmosphere, let a person do not consciously follow the beat become excited. ◎画面创意: 广告形式为动画人物表演: 整支广告始终以可爱顽皮的水孩做主角,形象活泼生动,表现了依云水的富有灵性,依云水适合饮用的特点,依云水纯净、天然的特点带给人们健康快乐和纯净安全的生活。 The picture creative: making advertising to animated show: whole advertising always protagonist with lovely naughty water girl image, vivid, the Evian water rich in spirituality. The characteristics of Evian water suitable for drinking. Evian water pure, natural features bring people happy and pure life. 依云水的发现是一个传奇。1789年夏, 法国处于大革命中,一个贵族患上了肾结石。当时流行喝矿泉水,所以他决定试一试,后来竟然奇迹般痊愈了。因为这件奇闻,依云小镇名声大噪,大量的人用到小镇一式依云水的神奇,后来医生也将它列入药方。所以这位贵族便将泉水用篱笆围起来,并开始出售。 Evian water is found to be a legend. The summer of 1789, the French Revolution is a noble. Suffering from kidney stones. Was a popular drink mineral water, so he decided to give it a try, and later even a miracle. Like healed. Because of this anecdote, Evian town fame, a large number of people to use a type of town. Evian water is magical, then the doctor will also include it in the prescription. So they put a spring with a fence nobleman. 依云天然矿泉水产于 法国,源头位于法国 阿尔卑斯山脉主峰与 蕾梦湖之间的心脏地 带Vinzier高原.经过 最少15年冰川岩层过 滤而成,含有钾、钠 钙、镁、偏硅酸、碳 酸氢根等多种矿物质. 依云已经全球占率最 高的矿泉水品牌之一. Evian natural mineral water in France. The main peak and the Alps Between the bud Dream Lake heart. With the Vinzier plateau. After At least 15 years of glacial rock. Filter formed, containing potassium, sodium Calcium, magnesium, sodium metasilicate, carbon Acid hydrogen and other minerals. Evian has accounted for the global rate ,which is one of the high mineral water brand. 依云家族 PET瓶装系列: 规格/价格:330ml 8.5元RMB、500ml 9.5元RMB、1L 19.9元RMB、 1.5L 21.5元RMB 玻璃瓶装系列 这款晶莹剔透、纯净无瑕的经典设计,适用于高档酒店及餐饮宴会等场所。 面部喷雾 依云X克里斯汀·拉克 鲁瓦系列 依云品牌与大师的合作 依云X高


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