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L31 Nominal Clauses Review Review What is Nominal Clause? Nominal clauses, also known as “noun clauses”, can perform most function of a noun phrase, such as______________________________________. Classification of Nominal Clauses Key points 1. Subordinators in Nominal Clauses Nominal Clauses are normally introduced by _____subordinators. 1. if, whether, that 2.who, whom, whose, whoever, what, whatever, which, whichever 3.where, when, how, why How to choose a subordinator 引导词的选择: 1. In some countries _____ is called “equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people. A which   B what   C that   D one 2.Most people know ______ it is like to have their blood pressure taken but few understand what the numbers mean. A that B how C what D why 引导词的误用: 1.Theory comes from practice has long been proved. 2. Why caused dinosaurs to disappear from the earth is still unknown. 1. 主语从句的引导词有哪些? 在整个句子中充当主语成分的从句。可以由从属连词that, whether等引导;也可以由连接代词what, which, who以及由连接副词how, when, where, why等引导。 _____ this is true or not is uncertain. A If B Whether C Which D **  2. 主语从句的常用句型是什么?为什么这样做? 大多数的主语从句都可以用It作形式主语,把主语从句置于句尾,目的是为了平衡句子结构(特别是谓语较短时)。   Anticipatory It:主语从句常用句型: 1)It is + Noun+ clause It is a pity that… It is an honor that… It is a miracle that… It is an undoubted fact that.. 2)It is+ Adjective+ clause It is possible that… It is necessary that… It is strange that… 3)It +Vi + clause It turns out that… It seems that… It happens that… It occurs to sb that… = It dawns on/upon sb that… 4) It + Past Participle +clause It’s reported that… It has been known that… It must be pointed out that… Translating Exercises 1.他们是否参加我们的实验还没有决定。 2. 多年来为他奉献的一切都付之东流,这令她伤心欲绝。 3.中国人以热情著称于世。 4. 她在那次空难中幸存下来了,真是奇迹。 5. 据报道,那家银行被抢劫了。 6. 有人建议我们举行一次演讲比赛。 7. 真遗憾,他竟然忘记通知你们这件事了。 Translating Exercises 1.他们是否参加我们的实验还没有决定。 It ha


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