中职英语第二册 Unit6 Watch for fun!(reading).doc

中职英语第二册 Unit6 Watch for fun!(reading).doc

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中职英语第二册 Unit6 Watch for fun!(reading)

课题序号 17 授课班级 14(5) 授课课时 2 授课形式 New lesson 授课章节 名称 Unit6 Watch for fun! (RW) 授课日期 教学目标 At the end of the class, Ss will be able to : 1. read and understand some useful words and expressions. 2. catch the main idea of the passage. 3. master three types of hooks according to key words and try to use them in writing. 4. find out the impact of TV-Turnoff Week and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of TV. 教学重点 与难点 1. Ss can read and understand some useful words, expressions and sentence patterns. 2. Ss can find out the impact of TV-Turnoff Week 3. Ss can master three types of hooks according to key words and try to use them in writing. 教学方法 communicative approach 教学资源 Multi-media computer, PPT. 更新、补 充、删节 内容 板书设计 Unit 6 Watch for Fun! ---(Reading Writing) turn off, turn on, turn up, turn down It’s clear that … 教 学 实 践 教学环节与主要内容 教师活动 学生活动 备注 Step 1 Warm-up 1. Greetings. 2. Ask the Ss to discuss: Do you watch TV a lot? Have you ever thought about how to spend your time if your TV is turned off? Step 2 Reading 1. Teach some words and short phrases through pictures. 2. . Ask the Ss to scan the passage and find out the answer. According to the passage, TV-Turnoff Week is a famous_____________. A.program B. festival C. Activity 3. Ask the Ss to scan the passage and find out the answers to Ex2 on P96 of their SB. 4. Ask the Ss to read the passage after the tape and teacher can help explain the useful phrases. Step3 Writing 1.Ask the Ss to find out the impact of TV-Turnoff Week and do Activity 3. 2. Ask the Ss to read the three types of hooks of Ex4 on P96 . 3.Guide Ss to decide Which type of the three hooks each one uses. Step 4 Summary and homework T sum up what we have learned today with the Ss. 2. Homework Perform the dialogue we have learnt in roles. Make a dialogue about asking for help and possible responses. Preview words and expressions in the passage. Greet the Ss. Discuss with the Ss. Show some pictures to teach


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