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Summaries of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders of the International Court of Justice Not an official document Judgment of 18December 1951 The Fisheries Case was brought before the Court by the their conclusions; two other Judges- Sir Arnold McNair and United Kingdom of Great ;Britain and Northern Ireland Mr. J. E. Read-appended to the Judgment statements of against Norway. their dissenting Opinions. By a Decree of July 12th. 1935, the Norwegian Govern- ment had, in the northern prln of the countly (north of the Arctic Circle) delimited the uwe in which the fisheries were reserved to its own nationals. me United Kingdom asked the Court to state whether this dt:limitation was lor wra not con- trary to international law. In, its Judgment the Court found The situation which gave rise to the dispute and the facts that neither the method employed for the delimitation by the which ]preceded the filing of the British Application are Decree, nor the linesthemselves fixedby the said I)ecree, are recalled in the Judgment. contrary to international law; the first finding is adopted by The coastal zone concerned in the dispute is of a distinc- ten votes to two, and the second by eight votes to four. tive configuration. Its length as the crow flies exceeds 1,500 Three Judges-MM. Alvalez, Hackworth and Hsu Mo- kilometres. Mountainous along its whole length, very bro- appended to the Judgment ;21 declaration or an individual ken by fjords and bays, dotted with countleris islands, islets opinion stating the particular reasons for which they reached and reefs (certain of which form a continuous archipelago


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