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21st Century Issue 29/533 for Junior 2 北京市陈经纶中学嘉铭分校 顾妍 Turning skills into a business (P3) Animal symbol for Australia (P4) Don’t compare life to others (P6) Turning skills into a business (P3) What do you want to be in the future? Warm up scientist businessman Pre -reading What is this guy doing? Who is he? Mohammed Ali, 15, is a teen gamer from Dewsbury in West Yorkshire, UK. While-reading Answer the following questions. 1. How much did Ali earn when he was 12? 2. How did Ali learn to code? 3. Why does Ali not want to learn business at university? 30,000 pounds. By using YouTube videos and reading books on the subject. Because he has a lot of experience in business. While-reading Put them in correct orders. ① Ali saved lots of money and bought two sofas for his family’s living room. ② He wants to go to university and study computer science. ③ He made his own game after working on it for seven months. ④ He became interested in computers at the age of 6. ④ ③ ① ② Post -reading 1. Can you tell us some other good examples of teens being successful? 2. How did they make their achievements? 3. What will you do to reach your dream? Animal symbol for Australia (P4) Pre-reading 1. Animal symbol for China ( ) 2. Animal symbol for the US ( ) 3. Animal symbol for Canada ( ) panda eagle beaver While -reading Answer the following questions: 1. Why do Australians want to make the “Boxing Kangaroo” a part of their flag? 2. What is the boxing kangaroo flag like? 3. When can people see the boxing kangaroo flag? 4. What does “kanagatarianism” mean? Because Australians love kangaroos very much. It is a green flag with a picture of a golden yellow kangaroo wearing red boxing gloves. When Australians take part in international sporting competitions. They only eat vegetables and kangaroo meat. Post -reading Think about these questions. 1. Is the kangaroo lovely? 2. Do kangaroos have feelings? 3. Do you know anything else about kangaroos?


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