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烧伤感染创面处理(国外英文资料) The first accessory of the peoples liberation army general hospital (PLA) Write before class ??????????? Erosion not only hinder the wound healing, tissue and can cause sepsis and other complications, process must carefully to eliminate pathogenic bacteria, promote new organization. An overview of wound infection ??????????? Once the skin is damaged and the infection occurs, the wound has different levels of exudation and purulent secretions, and tissue necrosis can occur when the infection is severe. After infection, the necrosis tissue gradually liquefies, dissolves and eventually excretes in the form of an abscess. ??????????? The necrotic tissue that infects the surface of the infection hides a large number of bacteria, and necrosis is the medium of bacteria. Bacteria thrive in necrotic tissues and in deep areas, such as not removing and controlling infection. ??????????? Infected wounds need on a regular basis, therefore, dressing, namely, clean up the wound purulent secretion, remove dead necrotic tissue, and cell growth, forming a healthy granulation, organization form, epithelial cell growth, cover until the healing of the wound. If the wound is caused by the burn, the dressing will be replaced on a regular basis. ??????????? Wound infection can be derived from the presence of the virus in the skin of the victims own skin or the remains of the hair follicle of the wound. The germs of the mouth, nose, respiratory tract and intestines of the wounded; Pollution of the surrounding environment, including contact pollution, mattresses, bedding, dressings, equipment, personnel, etc. ??????????? Contact with wound infection is one of the main source of bacteria, thus to wound should pay attention to the strict aseptic operation, reduce exposure to the lowest degree, especially within the first 2 weeks after burn, the wound is not yet dry scab over, and the base of the granulation tissue has not been a barrier, more should strengthen the isolation m


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