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澳大利亚狭长的绝妙住宅 收录于 7 Australias narrow great houses 设计方:Inglis建筑事务所 位置:澳大利亚 墨尔本 分类:住宅装修 内容:实景照片 图片来源:Derek Swalwell 图片:25张 安装图酷APP可以免费下载无水印高清大图,点此了解详情 下载原图 标签:住宅装修实景照片 这栋房子位于澳大利亚墨尔本的郊区,由Inglis建筑事务所设计,前后都有公园,环境很好,附近地势开阔,还有其他住房。因此,客户希望在此定居,设计自己的住房。房子的设计比较简约,采用木材和石头进行建造,外部有多孔的砖砌屏风和钢制的悬臂结构。外观的设计很有特色,突显了层次感,比较立体。房子在设计上比较开放,砖砌的屏风是一大亮点,它既可以是入口,也相当于观景区,方便住户在此欣赏郊区的美景,亲近自然。 屏风后面就是正门,进去后就是私人空间了,所以说屏风还起到了保护隐私的作用。主卧室位于房子的前面,靠近花园,方便住户欣赏花园的景色,还能保护隐私。起居室建在了后面,也是靠近花园。悬臂钢梁结构和木质包层也是这栋房子的特色。房子和周围的环境相融合,十分和谐。建筑师希望给住户营造一个舒适、自然的居住环境。应客户的要求,建筑师又设计了庭院,为这里平添了活力。房子共有两层,室内的光线充足,采光很好,屋内的设计简约,装饰比较少,看上去很亲切、自然、典雅。 译者:蝈蝈 Challenged by the intricacies and opportunities of a small site in Melbourne, Australia, Inglis Architects came up with a clever narrow house design for project Fairbairn Road Residence. Masonry, timber and stone are the main materials employed for the exterior finishes, “whether through brick perforated screens, steel cantilevers or custom timber claddings”. By layering up the front elevation towards the street, the architects created depth, thus managing to powerfully distinguish the residence from its neighboring buildings. In order to create a feeling of generosity through space and materiality, the architects reduced the functionality of the first level, which mainly accommodates the living room. Bedrooms were elevated to the tree tops on the first floor, in order to offer a high degree of privacy. “The house is refreshing. It requires minimal furnishing to feel warm and hospitable due to the soft natural finishes. The floorboards, stone and masonry here are on show and the light fittings and furniture are purposefully simple and pared back allowing the interiors to breathe. It feels raw whilst achieving elegance through composition, texture, volume light and program” 澳大利亚狭长的绝妙住宅外部实景图 下载原图 澳大利亚狭长的绝妙住宅外部实景图 下载原图 澳大利亚狭长的绝妙住宅外部实景图 下载原图 澳大利亚狭长的绝妙住宅外部门口实景图 下载原图 澳大利亚狭长的绝妙住宅室内局部实景图 下载原图 澳大利亚狭长的绝妙住宅室内局部实景图 下载原图 澳大利亚狭长的绝妙住宅室内楼梯实景图 下载原图 澳大利亚狭长的绝妙住宅室内实景图 下载原图 澳大利亚狭长的绝妙住宅室内实景图 下载原图 澳大利亚狭


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