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Spring的Controller,applicationContext,@Resource(国外英文资料)1. The Controlle for SpringMVCThe MVC model in the controller is responsible for parsing user input information, and after the transformation of processing into a model, while the model may be presented to initiate the request of the user. Spring embodies the idea of the controller in a very abstract way, so developers will have a variety of options when creating the controller. Spring contains three types of controllers: the controller that handles the HTML form, the controller based on command, and the wizard style controller.The basic class of Controller in Spring is the org.springframe.web.servlet. MVC.The package org.springframework.The import javax.mail. Servlet. HTTP. It;The import javax.mail. Servlet. HTTP. HttpServletResponse;The import org.springframework.Public interface Controller {The ModelAndView handleRequest (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception;}Controller interface defines only one method used to handle the customer request, and returns the appropriate models and views, this is all the Controller needs to be done. ModelAndView and Controller, this is the foundation of the Spring MVC framework implementation. Although the Controller is fairly abstract, Spring provides a variety of Controller interface implementation classes.1. AbstractController classThe AbstractController is a subclass of the WebContentGenerator and implements the Controller interface. AbstractController is one of the most important implementation of the Controller interface, which provides some basic features such as the cache header data generated for the HTTP protocol, the GET/POST action, and so on.Consider the class hierarchy of AbstratorController:java.lang.objectSpringframework.context.support.applicationobjectsupportThe web applications.webapplicationobjectsupportThe |_ webcontent.webcontentgeneratorThe |_ webAbstratorController inherits many attributes from its superclasses, which c


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