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川大《建筑设备2436》13春在线作业2(国外英文资料) Construction equipment 2436 13 spring online homework 2 In the fall of 14, there is a total of test scores: 100 test times: Single topic selection Multiple choice True or false (15 questions in total, 30 points.) The radiator in the heating system should be located in (). A. stay away from the window B. exterior wall C. external window D. exterior wall Full marks: 2 When the water supply pressure of the outdoor network is insufficient, the water supply is suitable. A. directly Single water tank C. pumps, water tanks D. water pump, water tank, water tank Full marks: 2 The type of automatic sprinkler system that is set in the theatre stage to prevent fire from spreading to the audience room is (). Wet system B. dry system Water curtain system Drench system Full marks: 2 The most appropriate form of system in a hot water heating system is (). A. natural circulation hot water heating system The mechanical cycle is used for the next two-tube vertical system C. mechanically circulating water system D. mechanical circulatory horizontal system Full marks: 2 It is suitable for air conditioning, such as shopping mall, auditorium, ballroom, etc. A. centralized air-conditioning system B. the distributed air conditioning system C. semi-centralized air conditioning system D. semi-distributed air conditioning system Full marks: 2 The fluid in the feed water project belongs to (). A. free surface flow B. a constant flow C. uniform flow D. pressure flow Full marks: 2 The function of fire pump combine. A. supply hose, water cannon, and fire from outside B. supply the fire engine for water C. for the fire engine to replenish the water D. for the hose and the water cannon, to save fire from the room Full marks: 2 In the following pipes, the less durable pipes are A. pipe B. cast iron pipe Stainless steel tube D. hard polyvinyl chloride plastic pipe Full marks: 2 The smoke vent should be buried in the center of the smoke zone. The distance from the line of


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