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Think about! never always usually often sometimes 一直,总是 通常,常常 经常 有时 从不 twice a week once three times a month a year a day once a week 一周一次 一个月两次 一年三次 twice a month three times a year 改错题 1.She visits Beijing every three month. months 2.We are having the lunch now. the是多余的 乐奇迪士尼英语Jenny2014-6-22 have breakfast at home at school at work on the way to ……… usually often In the canteen [k?nti?n] 食堂 have breakfast I usually have my breakfast at home. What about William? Questions What are they talking about? Breakfast. Robert: How about this, Dad? ‘Twenty-two percent of people in Britain never eat breakfast. sixteen percent eat breakfast at work.’ %的… William: It’s true. My assistant has her breakfast at work every day. It’s a waste of time, really. Karen: Poor girl! She works very hard. 浪费时间 William: She goes out with friends nearly every night. Then she gets up late, and rushes to work late. late/early near, close to do sth. in a hurry William: Then she has breakfast at her desk! It doesn’t look good. 具体地点用介词at,表在…旁。 It’s not elegant. Karen: She works late twice a week, too. William: Well, we all do that. Goodness, is that the time? 表达惊奇的感叹词! It’s time to work. 表示频率。 William: I must rush. Karen: But what about your breakfast? William: That’s all right. I can get some breakfast at work. take and have run quickly, in a hurry Twenty-two percent people in Britain never eat breakfast. My assistant has her breakfast work every day. 3.It’s a waste time, really. 4.She works late , too. 5. , is that the time? of of at Goodness twice a week 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 have breakfast at home at school at work on the way to ……… usually often In the canteen twice a week once a month three times a year once a fortnight The?differences?in?Chinese?and?English?Food?Cultu


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