8A Unit 2 复习课件.ppt

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8A Unit 2 复习课件

* * 1. Unit2 School life   8A Unit 2 School Life 课文回顾 语法回顾 连接中考 film- autumn- Maths- rubber- dustbin- secondary school- lift- ground floor- football- American football- Look for friends for the words movie, garbage can football , soccer , first floor , elevator, high school, eraser, Math, fall, 1. John’s class and school. 2. Nancy’s friends at school. 3. School activities. 4. After-school activities. The structure of the article (1) John likes Home Economics best of all (2) John is in Year 9 at Woodland School , a mixed school. (3)He knew how to cook healthy and tasty meals before coming to this school. (4) They think Reading Week is too short because they want to read more books. T F F T Year 8 after What did Jim do in school last year? How does Nancy go to school every day? (3)What do the students do in the Buddy Club? He had driving lessons. Her brother drives her to school. Older students talk to new students about school life. .a mixed school .play softball .have lessons together .Home Economics .practice .cook and sew .Tasty meals .go to a buddy club .Reading Week .talk to new students .read any books meet friends .bring in books and magazines .go shopping malls John Nancy 1 一所混合学校 2一起上课 3健康和美味的饭菜 4一个阅读周 5每节课的结束 6也 7家政课 a mixed school have lessons together healthy and tasty meals a Reading week the end of each class as well Home Economics 8. 休假两周 9.上驾驶课 10.开车送我上学 11.有大量时间做课 外活动 12.做半个小时的作业 13.同样的尺寸 14.与….不同 have two weeks off have driving lessons drive me to school have lots of time for after-school activities have half an hour of homework the same size be different from each other, more than, chat with, have a good time, twice a week, a member of 1. We do eye exercises at school _______. 2. I ______ my friend on the Internet every Saturday. 3. I am ______ the Badminton Club. I go to the Club on Wednesdays. 4. We must learn from ________. 5. The students always _____ with their PE teacher. 6. My grandmoth


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