Dickens’ Humanitarianism In A Tale of Two Cities ).doc

Dickens’ Humanitarianism In A Tale of Two Cities ).doc

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Dickens’ Humanitarianism In A Tale of Two Cities )

学 期 论 文 论文题目:Dickens’ Humanitarianism In A Tale of Two Cities ? 课 程:英国文学史及选读 学生姓名: 学 号: 院(系):外国语学院 班 级:英语班 课程教师姓名: 学期时间:2014-2015-1 Content Abstract in ChineseⅠ Abstract in EnglishⅡ Chapter Ⅰ Introduction 1 1.1 Brief Introduction of the Author——Charles?Dickens1 1.2 The?plot of A?Tale?of?Two?Cities2 Chapter ⅡReasons for the formation of the humanitarian spirit of Dickens3 2.1 The Definition of Humanitarian3 2.2 The Author’s Experience and The French Revolution4 Chapter Ⅲ Humanitarianism Embodied in Characterization5 3.1 Completely Negative Characters 5 3.2 Two-Faceted Characters6 3.3 Ideal Characters7 Chapter Ⅳ11 4.1 Conclusion11 Acknowledgements13 Bibliography14 Abstract in Chinese 作为19世纪英国批判现实主义文学的杰出代表,查尔斯-狄更斯的作品广泛而深刻地描写了当时社会生活的各个方面,并从人道主义出发对各种丑恶的社会现象进行揭露批判。《双城记》就是以法国大革命为背景,揭示了封建压迫对人性的残害,真实地反映了尖锐的阶级对立和激烈的阶级斗争,揭露了封建贵族的恶行。它同时也反映了作者对待革命和人性的看法。狄更斯把希望寄托于开明的统治者进行一些改革,提倡用仁爱和宽恕的精神来化解仇恨,缓和阶级矛盾。小说中的主要人物身上都体现了人道主义精神。本文将从他小说中的各种人物分析了他的人道主义思想。 关键词:狄更斯《双城记》人道主义 Abstract in English As an outstanding representative of the 19th century English critical realism,Charles Dickens’ works describe social life extensively,and he ruthlessly exposes the ugly social phenomena and fiercely criticizes the evils of society from the angle of humanitarianism. A Tale of Two Cities is based on the French Revolution, and it reveales the mutilation of feudal oppression of human nature, reflectes the sharp class antagonism and fierce class struggle, exposes the devilries of the feudal aristocracy. At the same time, it reflects the author’s attitude to the revolution.?Dickens devotes his hopes to the reforms of some rulers, and advocates to overcome hatred and eases class contradictions through the spirit of love and forgiveness. This paper will analyze his humanitarianism from the characters in this novel. Key?Words:? Dickens 、 A?Tale?of?Two?Cities?、 Humanitarianism ChapterⅠ Introduction 1.1 Brief Introduction of Charles?Dickens Charl


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