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Unit 6 How often do you exercise? 100% always usually often sometimes hardly ever ≥ 80% never 0% ≥ 60% ≥ 20% < 5% 提示:频率副词在句中的位置是:实义动词之前, be动词或助动词之后。 I usually plays the guitar on weekends. I sometimes plays the guitar on weekends. I always plays the guitar on weekends. 比一比,看谁说得又快又好? 100% ≥ 80% ≥ 20% I usually does my homework on weekends. I often do my homework on weekends. I sometimes do my homework on weekends. ≥ 80% ≥ 60% ≥ 20% I sometimes exercise on weekends. I hardly ever exercise on weekends. I never exercise on weekends. ≥ 20% 0% < 5% Listen. Cheng Tao is talking about how often he does these activities. Number the activities [1-5] in the order you hear them. 2a Activities ____ a. go to the movies ____ b. watch TV ____ c. shop ____ d. exercise ____ e. read 1 3 2 5 4 Listen again. Match the activities in 2a with how often Cheng Tao does them. 2b How often every day once a week twice a week three times a week once a month twice a month Activities a. go to the movies b. watch TV c. shop d. exercise e. read 1. three times a week time 次数 time and time again 千万次的 three or four times a week 一周三四次 表示一周/月/年多少次, 可以用 ... times a week / month / year, 注意有两个词有单独的表示法, “一次”用“once”, “两次”用“twice”。 2. once , twice, three times 等次数的表达法。 1) 这三个词都表示______,once是______,twice是_______,除了一次,两次,其他的次数都表达成________________。 如:三次是____________ ,五次是____________。 一次 次数 两次 three times 数字 + times five times 2) 这些表次数的词后与一段时间连用, 表示动作多长时间发生几次,即动作 的________. 3) 翻译: 两周一次 ________________ 一年两次 ________________ 一个月两次 ________________ once two weeks 频率 once a year twice a month sometimes与几个形似的词的区别 a. sometime是副词, “在某个时候”, “某时” Will you come again sometime next week? She was there sometime last year. b. some time是名词词组, 意为“一段时间”, 做时间状语用。 I will stay here for some time. He worked on the trouble for some time. c. some times是名词词组, 意为“几次, 几倍”。 I met him some times in the street last month. The factory is some times larger


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