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中医名词术语标准参考 舌诊 舌诊:tongue diagnosis 望舌:inspection of tongue 舌象:tongue manifestation 舌尖:tip of the tongue 舌边:margins of the tongue 舌中;舌心:center of the tongue 舌根;舌本:root of the tongue 舌体;舌质:tongue body 舌色:tongue color 荣枯老嫩:luxuriant/ flourishing, withered, tough and tender 淡白舌:whitish tongue 淡红舌:reddish tongue 红舌:red tongue 青舌:blue tongue 紫舌:purple tongue 青紫色:bluish purple tongue 绛舌:crimson tongue 胖大舌:enlarged tongue 肿胀舌:wollen tongue 瘦薄舌:thin tongue 点刺舌:spotted tongue 芒刺舌:prickly tongue 齿痕舌:teeth-marked tongue 裂纹舌:fissured tongue 光剥舌:peeled tongue 镜面舌:mirror tongue 地图舌:geographical tongue 舌衄:spontaneous bleeding of the tongue 强硬舌:stiff tongue 萎软舌:limp wilting tongue 颤动舌:trembling tongue 歪斜舌:deviated tongue 短缩舌:contracted tongue 吐弄舌:protruded agitated tongue 舌卷:curled tongue 苔色:coating color 苔质:texture of coating 白苔:white coating 白砂苔:white sandy coating 黄苔:yellow coating 黑苔:black coating 灰苔:gray coating 绿苔:green coating 薄苔:thin coating 厚苔:thick coating 润苔:moist coating 燥苔:dry coating 燥裂苔:dry and cracked coating 滑苔:slippery coating 腻苔:greasy(世中联)/slimy coating 腐苔:curdy coating 染苔:stained coating 脉诊 浮脉类(轻取即得) 浮(举之有余,按之不足)floating pulse; superficial pulse 洪(脉体阔大,充实有力,来盛去衰)surging pulse;full and over-flowing pulse 濡(浮细无力而软)soggy pulse 散(浮取散漫而无根,伴至数或脉力不匀)scattered pulse 芤(浮大中空,如按葱管)hollow pulse; empty pulse 革(浮而搏指,中空边坚)tympanic pulse; drumskin pulse 沉脉类(重按始得) 沉(轻取不应,重按始得)sunken pulse;deep pulse 伏(重按推至筋骨始得)hidden pulse 弱(沉细无力而软)weak pulse; feeble pulse; 牢(沉按实大弦长)firm pulse; hard 迟脉类(一息不足四至) 迟(一息不足四至)slow pulse; tardy pulse 缓(一息四至,脉来怠缓)moderate pulse; relaxed pulse 涩(往来艰涩,迟滞不畅)unsmooth pulse;uneven pulse 结(迟而时一至,止无定数)knotted pulse; bound pulse(irregular intermittent pulse) 数脉类(一息五至以上) 数(一息五至以上,不足七至)rapid pulse;quick pulse 疾(脉来急疾,一息七八至)racing pulse; swift pulse 促(数而时一止,止无定数)irregular-rapid pulse; skipping pulse(rapid irregular intermittent pulse) 动(脉短如豆,滑数有力)stirred pulse 虚类脉(应指无力) 虚(举按无力,应指松软)weak pulse(asthenia pulse) 细(脉细如线,应指明显)thin pulse;thready pulse; 微(极细极软,似有似无)faint


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