高二英语Module5 Cloning知识精讲.doc

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高二英语Module5 Cloning知识精讲

高二英语Module5 Cloning知识精讲 外研社 【本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: Module 5 Cloning 二. 重难点讲解: (一)重点单词: 1. terrify 及物动词 vt. 恐怖;吓唬 make someone very afraid The thunder terrified the small children. 雷声把小孩吓坏了。 She was terrified of being killed in an air raid. 她害怕空袭时会被炸死。 That sort of thing terrifies people. 那样的事(或东西)会使人们感到恐怖的。 You terrify me! 你吓坏了我! 2. chase 及物动词 vt. 追逐;追赶;追击 run after someone The police chased the thief. 警察追赶小偷。 This girl chased the butterfly, but lost it. 这女孩追赶蝴蝶,但没有追上。 The fox was chased off into the woods. 那狐狸被赶进了树林。 及物动词 vt. 驱逐;被除 drive away The dog chased the cat into a hole. 狗将猫逐进洞里。 They chased him out of the house. 他们把他逐出屋外! 名词 n. 追逐 an act of chasing gain on the chase 加紧追赶 a chase after butterflies 拍蝶 spoils of the chase 获猎物 the chase for honors 追求荣誉 chase of pleasure(profit) 追求享乐(利润) Honour is the noblest chase. 荣誉是最高尚的追求。 a long chase 长途追击 a wild goose chase 无益的追求 be in chase of sb.(sth.) 在追逐某人(某物) 名词 n. 猎物 a hunted animal The chase escaped. 猎物逃脱了。 give chase 追;追逐;追击 The hunt began and the dogs gave chase. 狩猎开始了,猎狗追逐了。 3. disgust 不可数名词 n.[U] 厌恶;憎恶 strong feeling of dislike To his disgust,he saw a dead dog in his garden. 使他作呕的是,他在花园里见到一只死狗。 I turned away in disgust. 我厌恶地把脸转开。 strong disgust 强烈的厌恶 feel disgust at 对…感到厌恶 及物动词 vt. 使作呕;使厌恶 give someone a strong feeling of dislike The dirty plates in the restaurant disgusted us. 那家饭店的脏盘子使我们感到厌恶。 We are all disgusted with her affected behaviour. 我们都很讨厌她那种装模作样的举止。 4. breathe 及物动词 vt. 说出;表示;泄露 give out; express Don’t breathe a word of what I have told you. 我告诉你的事一个字也不能泄露出去。 5. contrast 名词 n. 比较;对比 the act of contrasting; the state of being contrasted Black is a contrast to white. 黑白形成对比。 She seems prettier by contrast with her sister. 她与她妹妹相比似乎更美些。 He looks healthier in contrast to his former self. 他与以前相比,显得更健康些。 Compare and contrast English with Chinese.


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