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论文封面格式样本 ?   河北师范大学 高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文 (居中,宋体小一号,加粗) 题目:论艾米丽迪金森诗歌中的自然观**(居中,宋体小二) 专  业:********* 考生姓名:********* 考生所在单位:************** 准考证号:********* 导师姓名:********* 联系电话:********* (以上为宋体三号字) 完成日期: 年 月 日 (宋体小三号居中) (这是论文的汉语封面样本) On Primary School English Homework, --How to Cultivate the Students Interest By ZHAO Zhicheng Prof. ZHAO Yingjun, tutor Submitted to the B.A. Committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the English Department of Hebei Normal University August 25, 2011 (这是论文的英语封面,即第二页) 摘要 《英语新课程标准》把“激发和培养学生学习兴趣,树立学生自信心,养成良好学习习惯和策略”放在首位,明确指出教学活动应延伸到课堂之外的学习和生活中。英语作业是课堂教学极为有用的辅助措施,但也是教学中很薄弱的一个环节。 如果学生一开始没有培养足够的兴趣和信心,就不会有一个好的开端,以后的学习自然会有困难。特别是对于小学生来说,如果能通过作业获得积极的情感体验,有助于他们在英语学习的起步阶段培养浓厚的语言兴趣,形成自主学习能力,促进自我发展。 因此,教师要调整作业的方式和方法,并结合可行的教学评价。只有让作业成为学生的乐趣,才能取得事半功倍的效果。 关键词: 作业 兴趣 激发 (这是论文的汉语摘要) (汉语摘要要说明你的“切入点”,要点题,说明你是如何论述的,结论如何。小说,无需叙述小说故事情节;教学法,不用写详细的试验过程。摘要是对全文的简要总结) Abstract The thesis combines with the teaching practice of experience to discuss about the assignment strategy of primary school English homework. The following aspects are involved: operating arrangements, job correcting, job evaluation etc. The New English Curriculum Standards give prime consideration to stimulate and cultivate students interest, establish self-confidence and train their good learning habits and strategy. And it explicitly pointed out that teaching activities should be extended to the outside of the classroom study and life. English homework is an assistant measure that is very useful for class teaching, but it is also a very weak part in teaching. So, all the teachers should establish a correct concept of operations. As teachers we should adjust the way and method of homework, and combined with practical evaluation. Only let homework became the fun, we can be achieved twice the result with half the effort. Key Words: homework interest stimulate (这是论文的英语摘要) Contents Introduction……………………………………………………………..1 ? Cha


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