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電腦視訊於跨文化交流之應用 Desktop Videoconference for Intercultural Exchanges 輔大英文 施佑芝 Outline Background Purposes Methodology Results Discussion Conclusion Background Many projects mainly involved the use of written technologies Bowman Plaisir, 1996; Cifuentes Shih, 2001; Davis Chang, 1994/94; Kamhi-Stein, 1997; Soh Soon, 1991 Use DVC to assist practice of not only text-based but also oral communication DVC helps to generate higher student involvement in learning and interaction with others (Kliger, 2002) Similar projects in Taiwan: CFL via DVC (Hsin, 1997) CFL via IVC (Hsin, 1999) Medical education (Chen et al., 1998) Purposes of the Study Understand the Taiwanese EFL learners’ perceptions of practicing English language skills with Non-native speakers through DVC Identify issues evolved in the connections and online intercultural communication Method Participants 32 Taiwanese Taking Computer-Assisted Instruction 38 Japanese Taking Digital Culture Preparation Instructors’ trial connections (PC vs. Mac) Shared digital photos Learned MS Messenger iVisit v2.6 b7 Watched Learn Live by George Lucas Educational Foundation Read papers on intercultural learning teaching Talked about netiquette and applications on WWW board Connection Web-board connections three DVC connections Completed worksheets in DVC (included topics of Digital divide; eWorld; job technology) Data Collection Analysis Data Post-connection survey Chat records on DVC Researcher’s observation notes Participants’ reflective paper Interview transcripts QSR Nvivo 2.0 (Non-numerical Unstructured Data Indexing Searching and Theorizing) Results (1) Perceptions Enjoyed text chats (M= 3.89, SD= 0.87); DVC (M= 3.29, SD= 0.76) Inspired to use chats (M= 4.14, SD= 0.59) and DVC (M= 3.54; SD= 0.88) on their own Felt chats (M= 3.86, SD= 1.11) and DVC (M= 3.54; SD= 1.07) are positive in EFL Did not plan to incorporate their own CAI project (chats: M= 2.68; SD= 0.98; DVC: M= 2.46; SD= 0.84 ) Need of visual


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