Techniques in teaching vocabulary 英语词汇教学技能.doc

Techniques in teaching vocabulary 英语词汇教学技能.doc

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Techniques in teaching vocabulary 英语词汇教学技能

Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary ⅠIntroduction As every language learner knows, communication is the ultimate goal of learning a language, then acquiring, remembering, and meaningfully using newly learnt words is an essential part of learning a foreign language. When students learn a foreign language, students tend to forget or misuse new words. There are many reasons for that: words are not properly stored in students minds, they are not practiced enough, and they are not related to students own experiences and interests. In order to make learning more effective, Professor Allen shares a serious of successful techniques with learners and teachers newer to the field of ESL. In the introduction part, he discusses why vocabulary teaching was neglecting in the past and how it became more and more crucial for the present. In the past, people believe that knowing words and their meanings are not enough, and learners have to know how the words work together in English sentences. Gradually, they tend to pay attention to the learning of vocabulary. For the ultimate goal of language learning is to communicate. Vocabulary is the basic element of communication. Without grammar, the communication may be interfered, but without vocabulary, there’s no communication at all. Knowing how significant the vocabulary is, the author tells some very effective ways of teaching vocabulary. According to their learning experiences and ages, he divided the learners into three levels: the beginners, the intermediate students and the advanced students. He assigns different activities to learners of different levels, which are very helpful for both language learners and teachers. ⅡTechniques in teaching vocabulary Language learning is a hard task which can sometimes be frustrating. Constant effort is required to understand, produce, and manipulate the target language. Effective activities have proven to have advantages and effectiveness in learning vocabulary in various ways: activities br


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