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The Shawshank Redemption review by James Berardinelli With a legion of titles like Pet Sematary, Firewalker, Sleepwalkers, Maximum Overdrive, and Children of the Corn, its reasonable not to expect much from Stephen King-inspired motion pictures. Adaptations of the prolific authors work typically vary from mildly entertaining to virtually unwatchable. There are a few notable exceptions, however; two of which (Stand by Me, Misery) were crafted by widely-respected director Rob Reiner. While The Shawshank Redemption is not a Reiner movie per se, it is a production of Castle Rock Pictures (Reiners film company), and ranks among the best filmed versions of any King stories to date. (This statement has not changed since I first wrote it in 1994.) 重点讲解 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. life sentence: 无期徒刑;终身监禁。 在这个片段里我们还会看到一个单词:con.这是一种俚语的说法,意思是“罪犯”。 相当于convict. Q: 死刑 A: death penalty, Penalty [‘pen?lti] n. 1.?惩罚, 处罚2.?不利后果, 损失3.?害处;不利4.?刑罚 New Words 2. rehabilitate: vt.本意是“康复、修复”, [,ri:h?’biliteit] 1.?改造(罪犯等), 使(长期服刑者)恢复正常生活; 使(重病患者)康复 2.?使恢复原状; 修复 e.g. The old house is to be rehabilitate.? 这座老房子将予修理。 在这个语境里,因为Red在申请假释,所以警察这句话不是问他 “你觉得你已经康复了吗?”而是问他是否已经“改邪归正”。 3. God‘s truth:意思是“真实的事情”, 一般用来指说话人特别想强调的事实, e.g. It is Gods truth that my next door neighbor was a murderer at large! “我的隔壁住着一个在逃的杀人犯,这事儿千真万确!” 4. up for:打算;准备 Im up for rejection next week. “我已经做好了准备,下周申请假释的时候也被拒”。 The house is up for sale. 房子准备出售。 be up for是一个很常用的词组,在口语中,为了避免句式单调,用这个词组替代 be ready. 5. bump me a deck:俚语 Bump 相当于lend, deck是指a pack of cigarettes。 “借我一盒烟”。监狱里的犯人常常用一种普通人听不懂的指代词语来谈论一些事情,这可以说是他们长年牢狱生活的“创造”。 6. be into sb:俚语。是borrow或者owe整句话的意思就是: You have already borrowed five packs from me. 美国文化面面观 1. Sears Roebuck: born during the latter part of the 19th century, Sears Roebuck Company is one of the most trusted economic institutions in U.S. history and eventually grew to be the 7th largest corporation in the world during the 20th century. 西尔斯-罗巴克连锁公司,美国一家著名的公司,以零售著称,历年都名列美国财富500强。(Red这里说自己能从监狱外把任何狱友们


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