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# 942 # , 临床应用研究 肖江洪, 吴顺龙, 姜庆丰, 张洪, 李平, 傅玉川 四川大学华西医院( 肿瘤放射物理技术中心: 肖江洪, 吴顺龙, 姜庆丰, 傅玉川; 头颈肿瘤放 科: 张洪, 李平) , 四川 成都 610041 Effects of contrast media on the dose calculation of intensitymodulated radiotherapy for postoperative pelvic tumors X IA O Jianghong , WU Shunlong , JIA NG Qingf eng , ZH A NG H ong , LI Ping , F U Yuchuan West hina H osp ital, S ichuan University , hengdu 61004 1, P. R. hina : 研究在盆腔肿瘤术后 [ ABSTRACT] OBJECTIVE : T investigate the effects f the c ntrast 放疗中, 影像增强 对调强计划 量 media n the d se calculat i n f intensitym dulat ed radi therapy ( IM 计算的影响, 并评价其临床意义 RT ) f r p st perative pelvic tum rs, and evaluate t he clinical signifi : 本研究回顾分析了10 例盆腔肿瘤 cance. METHODS: T en patients w ith p st perative pelvic tum rs ( 6 rec 患者( 其中直肠癌 6 例, 宫颈癌 3 例, tal cancer patients, 3 cervical cancer patients and 1 end met rial cancer pa 子宫内膜癌1 例) 每例患者于相同 tient) w ere retr spectively analyzed. Each patient t k tw sets f CT in 体位先后做平扫和增强两套 CT , 然 the same p sit i n bef re and after the injecti n f intraven us c ntrast 后将图像传入Pinncle3 8. 0 治疗计划 media. T he CT images w ere transferred t the Pinnacle3 80 t reatment 系统分别在增强 CT 上勾画靶区 planning system ( TPS) . The target and the rgans at risk w ere delinea 危及器官和设计调强计划, 并将所有 ted and t he IMRT plans were generated based n the enhanced CT set, 勾画轮廓及计划复制到平扫 CT 使 respect ively. Then, the c nt urs and plans w ere c pied t the n nen 用配对设计符号秩检验对比两套 CT hanced CT set. T he radiati n d ses calculated fr m the tw sets f CT 中计划靶区和危及器官 量分布 w ere c mpared with regard t the planning t arget v


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