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2005级英语四级总复习 阅读综合训练 Test 1 Passage 1 A major reason that most experts today support concepts such as a youth service bureau is that traditional correctional practises fail to rehabilitate (使恢复正常生活) many delinquent youths. It has been estimated that as many as 70 percent of such youths are involved in new offenses following their release. Contemporary correctional institutions are usually isolated—geographically and socially—from the communities in which most of delinquent youths live. In addition, rehabilitative programmes focus on the individual delinquent rather than the environmental conditions which foster delinquency. Finally, many institutions do not play a supportive role on behalf of those committed to their care. They fail to do anything constructive about the back-home conditions—family, school, work—faced by the young criminals. As a result, too often instituitionalization (将某人收入社会福利机构) serves as a barrier to the successful return of them to their communities. Perhaps the most serious consequence of sending youths to large, centralized instituions, however, is that too frequently they serve as a training ground for criminal careers. The classic example of the adult offender who leaves prison more knowledgeable in the ways of crime than when he entered is no less true of the juvenile committed to a correctional facility. The failures of traditional correctional institutions point to the need for the development of a full range of strategies and treatment techniques as alternatives to imprisonment. Most experts today favor the use of small, decentralized correctional programmes located in or close to communities where the young offender lives. Vocational training, job placement services, remedial education activities, and street-working programs are among the community-based activities available for working with the delinquent and potentially delinquent. Over and above all the human factors cited, the case for community-based programmes is further stre


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