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教育类: 初级教育primary education 中等教育secondary education 高等教育higher/advanced/tertiary education 维持学校纪律 maintain school disciplines 压抑个性suppress/stifle/repress one’s individuality 实现共同的目标accomplish a common goal 根据学生能力调整课程adjust curriculum to students’ aptitude阻碍个人发展 hamper/hinder/impede sb’s development 打下坚实基础lay a solid foundation 对…很熟悉 keep oneself well-informed of … 增强道德标准意识heighten one’s awareness of moral standards承担责任assume/take responsibility 传授知识impart/pass on the knowledge to students 对…有很清晰的认识have a clear concept of… 梦想的实现fulfillment of dream 融入环境immersion into the environment 借鉴前人知识draw on the empirical knowledge of the generations before us 扭曲事实distort the truth 对学生因材施教teach students in accordance with their own characteristics and differences 模仿父母的言行方式 imitate the way parents speak and behave 明辨是非tell/distinguish right from wrong 解决实际问题 cope/deal with real-life problems 缺乏资历lack of qualification 过分依赖电脑excessive reliance on computer use 专注于学习have the full commitment to schoolwork 厌倦学习be fed up with studying 对工作的热爱the fondness for the job 专注于户外运动exert oneself to outdoor sports 少年犯罪juvenile delinquency 不让孩子接触暴力limit children’s exposure to violence 扩大社交圈enlarge/expand one’s social circle 转移学生学习的注意力divert students’ attention from study 个人偏好的问题a matter of personal preference 解决问题的能力 problem-solving skills 以学者为中心learner-centered/oriented 交流观点the sharing of ideas 专业化知识specialized knowledge 生活方式与社会观念: 渴望新机会crave for new chances 盲目追随潮流follow fashion blindly 减少获得光明工作前景的可能性lessen the possibility of a bright job prospect 过着高压力和快节奏的生活live a high-pressured, fast-paced life 培养良好的心态cultivate a good state of mind 不良影响detrimental effects 就业压力employment pressure 家庭观念family values


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