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香港口述歷史圖書館資源選介Selected Library Resources on Hong Kong Oral History 「香港地區歷史:人情與文化交融」 “People and Culture in Districts of Hong Kong” 香港不同地區隨着經濟發展而歷經變遷,迫切需要蒐集口述歷史資料,以記錄地區中逐漸消失 的人情和文化,保存地區歷史。 本資源選介以香港地區歷史為主題,按書籍、視聽資料、網上資源、期刊及報刊文章等分類, 介紹香港中央圖書館館藏及互聯網的口述歷史資源。這些資源由學者、專業訪談員、社區組織或其 他人士編製而成,除直接展示口述歷史內容,亦有在研究過程中徵引口述歷史資料,部分還介紹如 何運用口述歷史研究地區發展的歷程,讀者可從中追溯各地區的發展軌跡,緬懷往昔的人、情、物、 事,和認識口述歷史的意義。另外,讀者可透過延伸閱讀推介的專書,加深了解地區的歷史和人事 變遷。 With rapid economic development, the districts of Hong Kong have undergone drastic changes over the years. There is an imperative need to collect oral histories so as to record neighbourhood stories and local culture, and further preserve district histories. The following Selective Library Resources, including books, audio/visual recordings, web resources and articles from journals and newspapers, aims at introducing some of the oral history resources on history of districts currently held in the Hong Kong Central Library or accessible through Web connections. Resources listed comprise oral history records, research outputs and oral history titles by scholars, professional interviewers, community organizations, and others, some of which also include guides on how to make use of oral histories in researching district development. Through these resources, readers can trace the development trajectory of various districts, cherish memories of their past, and appreciate the significance of oral history. In addition, following the suggestions of further readings, readers can explore the history of districts in greater depth. (請於圖書館目錄查閱館藏狀況Please check library catalogue for library locations and status ) 書籍 / 書籍章節 Books /Book Chapters 卜永堅等:《大埔傳統與文物》。香港:大埔區議會漁農工商、旅遊及文娛康體委員會推動大 埔區本土經濟發展工作小組,20


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