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考研论坛网友分享:考研英语大作文经验小谈 来源:考研论坛 作者:雨双 文章三段落: 第一段:1、describe (分为赞扬和批判,图的描绘最好不要超过两句) 第二段:2、purpose 3、reasons 4 、examples 第三段:5、measures 6、comments 作文注意点: 1、作文字数160 字——200 字,我一般写180 字=3 段*60 字,每段4 句*15 字。 2、作文卷面要保持整洁,不要连笔,不要涂改。这是获取印象分的重点! 很多考生由 于在考场过于紧张导致作文的单词老是写错,这是致命伤啊,会直接让你越写越没感觉就越 没信心了。所以平常要加强练笔! 3、全文的第一句和各段的第一句必须是文章的中心句,最好能用复杂句表达。这是因 为阅卷老师一般没有那么多的时间去看作文,所以只能大概浏览下各段的首句,这是获得高 分的关键! 4 、全文结构布局:全文分为三段,第一段3 句,第二段5 句,第三段4 句,可根据具 体情况调整! 段落中,第一句是topic , 第二三句是detail , 第三句是conclusion 。 5、注意单词和句子的使用。 以上是我个人对英语大作文的简单想法和意见,希望能对即将考研的朋友们有所帮助! 在此,我附上我个人的大作文模板,其中很多句子在考场都被我用其他句子替换了,希 望给你们一个参考吧! 附:大作文模板 英语一 cartoon 第一段:describe In recent years , along with the tremendous advance of the society , 主题 has become a hot issue of the general public , especially for those who are confronted with the situation . (如果题目给出的是一幅图的话用以下)As is vividly shown in the pictures , SVO. The caption reads , 图下的标题。On the contrary , SVO . We are informed that SVO . (如 果题目给出的是两幅图的话用以下)As can be seen from the picture , SVO . It is most likely that by drawing the picture , the drawer intends not only to tell us the story of … but also to let us think more about 主题. This is something we should give more thought to . 第二段:meaning / purpose After careful thinking and reflection , we come to understand the enlightening picture step by step . I believe that this thought-provoking picture conveys two layers of meanings . For one thing , SVO . For another , SVO . This simple picture is wake-up call for the whole of the society . 第三段:①comments king into consideration call the factors , we may safely arrive at the conclusion thatSVO (不多写,简单句,主旨)On one hand , SVO . On the other hand , SVO . In order to make our world a better place in which to live , we must learn to live in harmony with the socie


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