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23. A young boy, who is receiving chemotherapy, develops alopecia and says to the nurse, Im so ugly Ive lost all my hair Which of the following responses would be appropriate for the nurse to make to the case? A. Did you know that because your hair fell out, we know that the medicine is working to make you better? B. Would you like to see some pictures of famous men who are bald? C. it’s hard to look different from the way you used to look. D. You can wear a baseball cap until your hair grows back. 接受化疗的年轻男孩发展为秃发,他对护士说:“我很丑,我已经掉光了我所有的头发。”对于处理这个案例的护士来说,下列哪项回答是合适的? A. 你知道吗,正是因为你头发的脱落,我们才能知道药物是否使你的病情改善了? B. 你想看一些秃发名人的照片吗? C. 用不同于你以前的方式来看问题是很难的. D. 你可以戴一顶棒球帽,直到你的头发重新长出来. 23. Key: C Client Need :Coping and Adaptation C. This response encourages the teenager to elaborate about his body image. A. Hair Loss is a side effect of chemotherapy and not an indicator of the effectiveness of treatment. B. This response may help the teenager to identify with someone else who does not have hair, but it should not be the nurses initial response. D. The nurse can offer suggestions for how to handle the hair loss, but the nurses initial response should be directed toward getting the patient to talk about his feelings. 答案:C 患者的需要:应对与适应 C.这个回答鼓励这名青少年关注自己的身体情况 A.脱发是化疗的一个副作用,而不是治疗效果的提示. B. 这个回答可以帮助这名青少年向其他没有头发的人学习,但是这不应该是护士的最初回答. D.护士可以对如何应对脱发提出建议,但是其最初的回答应该是直接针对如何让患者表达出自己的感觉. 24. A community health nurse teaches a mother comfort measures for her six-year-old child who has varicella zoster For Which of the following actions, if taken by the mother, requires further intervention? A. Applying a cortisone-based cream to the Childs lesions B. Patting the child’s lesions with calamine lotion C. Bathing the child in a tepid oatmeal bath D. Trimming the childs fingernails very short 社区卫生机构的护士在教一位母亲如何使其患带状疱疹的六岁孩子更加舒服的方法时,其下列行为提示她需要进一步的指导? A.在孩子皮肤受损处涂抹考的松乳膏 B. 在孩子皮肤受损拍打炉甘石洗剂 C. 用温的燕麦水给孩子洗浴 D. 把孩子的指甲修剪的特别短 24. Key: A Client Need: Basic Care and Comfort A. Medications that affect wound healing, such


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