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36 1 Vo l. 36 No . 1 20 10 2 Jo ur nal of L anzho u U niv ersity of T echno lo gy F eb. 2010 : 1673- 5196( 2010) 01- 0054- 03 离心泵反转作为能量回收透平的性能预测 杨军虎, 袁亚飞, 蒋云国, 马文瑛, 宋怀德 ( , 730050) : 离心泵反转运行当做能量回收透平回收液 能量, 关键是如何选择合适的工作水泵. 从量纲分析的角度出 发, 提出水泵反转运行的性能预测数学模型. 根据该数学模型, 分别对比转速为 32. 246. 263. 3 的3 台化工离心 泵进行数值模拟试验, 利用所得的试验数据, 计算并拟合出离心泵反转工况时的性能预测计算式, 为工厂用水泵反 转运行回收液 压力能提供选型依据. : 能量回收透平; 水泵反转; 性能; 数学模型; 选型依据 : T H 311 : A Performance predictions of reversed centrifugal pumps working as energy recovery turbines YAN G Jun-hu, YU AN Ya-f ei, J A NG Yun-guo, M A W en-ying, SON G H ua-i de ( College of Energy and Pow er E ngineering, Lanzhou Univ . of T ech . , Lanzh ou 730050, Chin a) Abstract: Reverse operat io n of centrifugal pumps can play t he ro le of energy recovery turbine t o reco ver fluid energy and it s key is how t o select a proper w or king pum p f or it . Based on dimensional analysis, a mat hemat ical model f or predict ing t he per for mance of the pumps w or king as turbines w as put fo rw ar d. On the basis of t his mo del, t hree chemical centrif ug al pumps w ith specif ic speed of ns = 32. 2, 46. 2, 63. 3 w ere ex periment ally simulat ed in reverse m odes. Using t he o bt ained numerical result , a com putat ion fo rmula of perf ormance predict ion of the pumps operat ed in rev erse mode w as derived and dat a-f itted, pro viding a ty pe select ion basis for t he pump m anufacturers t o r ecover f luid pressur e energy w it h pump r everse operat ion. Key words: energ y r ecovery turbines; pum p reverse oper at ion; perf orm ance; m at hematical m odel; ty pe select ion basis , , . [ 1] , , [ 1-2] [ 3] . , , , .


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