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第32 卷第4 期 岩 土 力 学 Vol.32 No. 4
2011 年4 月 Rock and Soil Mechanics Apr. 2011
文章编号:1000-7598 (2011) 04 -1186-07
姜忻良,李 林,袁 杰,殷加顺
(天津大学建筑工程学院,天津 300072 )
摘 要:针对盾构掘进过程中引起的两相水平位移,对广州地铁2 、8 号延长线某区间进行现场实测,将实测结果与数值模
拟相结合,计算表明,在盾构通过的不同阶段,平行于隧道方向的水平位移U 与垂直于隧道方向的水平位移U 呈现出不同
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的变化规律,在1 倍隧道直径的区域内,U 位移最大值大于U 位移最大值,两相位移均不可忽略。
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关 键 词:盾构施工;ABAQUS ;三维有限元;动态模拟;水平位移;沉降
中图分类号:TU 443 文献标识码:A
Dynamic analysis of strata horizontal displacements induced by
shield construction of deep tunnel
JIANG Xin-liang ,LI Lin ,YUAN Jie ,YIN Jia-shun
(School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)
Abstract: To study two-phase horizontal displacements of strata during tunnel excavation, specific areas are tested in Guangzhou
Metro No. 2 and No. 8 extension project, combining with the numerical simulation with ABAQUS. The results show that there are
different laws of two horizontal displacements U (parallel to the tunnel) and U (perpendicular to the tunnel) at different phases. The
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numerical analysis further demonstrates that in the circular region of one time tunnel diameter, the maximum of U is even bigger
than U . During design and construction stages, both the two horizontal displacements should be considered.
Key words: shield construction; ABAQUS; three-dimensional finite elements; dynamic simulation; horizontal displacement; settlement