
煤层瓦斯运移的3 维格子Boltzmann 仿真.pdf

煤层瓦斯运移的3 维格子Boltzmann 仿真.pdf

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煤层瓦斯运移的3 维格子Boltzmann 仿真

中国科技论文在线 # 煤层瓦斯运移的3 维格子 Boltzmann仿真 陆秋琴,黄光球,任雷平* (西安建筑科技大学管理学院,西安 710055 ) 摘要:煤层瓦斯运移是瓦斯在由煤等多孔介质组成的空间内做渗流运动。渗流运动中流体物 理特性和渗流介质孔隙度起到了主要的作用。为了揭示煤层瓦斯在开采工作面空间产生后所 引起的瓦斯浓度差以及煤层上部厚覆岩层所产生的应力的共同作用下,瓦斯由煤层内部向整 个工作面方向运移的整个渗流过程,假定煤层瓦斯运移符合 Darcy 渗流定律,构建了格子 Boltzmann 渗流模型。该模型从速度场的角度模拟了上覆岩影响煤层渗透率的情况下瓦斯的 渗流速度,从压力场的角度模拟了卸压增流效应引起的大梯度压力变化下的渗流速度。该速 度场和该压力场的有效结合,得出了瓦斯运移速度的变化规律,为煤层瓦斯运移规律和瓦斯 突出研究提供了依据。 关键词: 安全工程;瓦斯运移;格子Boltzmann;渗流;浓度差;岩层应力 中图分类号:TD32 Simulation of Gas Migration in Coal Seam Based on Three-dimensional LBM Lu Qiuqin, Huang Guangqiu, Ren Leiping (School of Management,Xian University of ArchitectureTechnology,Xi’An 710055) Abstract: The gas migration in coal seam is a fluid seepage through porous media made from coal. Liquid physical characteristics and media porosity play a lead role in this movement. The simulation is established for revealing the whole process of gas migration from coal seam to working face, which the gas migration is caused by the gas differential concentration due to working face excavation and the stress of upper rock layer. The lattice Boltzmann seepage model is constructed, which the migration accord with the Darcy seepage rule. This model has simulated the gas seepage velocity on the permeability influence caused by upper rock layer from the angle of velocity field, and the effect of pressure relieved and fluid increased under the great gradient pressure variation from the angle of pressure field. The gas migration velocitys change based on the effective combination of this velocity field and this pressure field has provided the basis f


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