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33 8 ( ) Vol.33 No.8 2005 8 JOURNAL OF TONGJI UNIVERSIT Y(NATU RAL SCIENCE)  Aug.2005 李家平,张子新,黄宏伟,李永盛 ( ,  200092) :, . 1 ∶100, 1∶1.325., 、 :, , 、, , ;, ; , , ., , . :;;; :U 442      :A        :0253-374X(2005)08-1011-06 Research on Similarity Model Test of Anchorage of Qingfeng Suspension Bridge in Ningbo LI J ia-p ing , Z HAN G Zi -x in ,H UAN G Hong-wei,L I Yong-sheng (Department of Geotec nical Engineering, Tongji University, S ang ai 200092, C ina) Abstract:Based on t e similarity t eory,t is paper presents a model test of gravity anc orage of Ning- bo Qingfeng suspension bridge w it geometrical scale 1 ∶100 and soil mass force scale 1 ∶1.325.Test re- sults s ow t at t e displacement of adjacent soil mass and anc orage itself and t e distribution of addi- tional stress in soil mass c ange wit time under different loads as follow s:for t e designing load,model test s ow s t at anc orage itself as orizontal displacement and rigid rotation wit forepart sinking and back-end eaving.Accordingly,additional stress in sub-soil mass increases in t e forepart and reduces in t e back-end.In addition,surface soil in t e front of anc orage uplifts and moves forw ard w it an in- crease of additional stress.Displacement and additional stress increase w it t e designing load added and decrease w it t e increasing of t e distance from t e measuring sites to anc orage itself.How ever, displacement and additional stress are in stable state wit passage of time.Furt ermore,soil improve- ment,pit-supporting structure and surrounding soil mass contribute greatly to t e stability of t e bridge anc orage. Key words:suspension bridge;similarity t eory;gravit


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