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Unit 5 Theme parks  ;画 面 描 述 ;短文填空 根据课文THEME PARKS—FUN AND MORE THAN FUN完成下列短文。 Parks provide people ____ a place to amuse for a while. In recent decades,however,many parks have been designed to provide (entertain). We call them theme parks. The new parks are usually huge places and have a (various) of things to see and do. Theme parks have a certain idea—a certain theme—that the whole parks are based ____. ;For example,a sport theme park will offer visitors sports to play or watch;a history culture theme park will let us see our ancestors dressed,worked or (live). The (old) theme park in the world is Disneyland. It seemed like a place of fantasy. Besides these,we have the marine or ocean parks, attract a lot of visitors.;Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.To my a ,the boy acted an old woman to sing a popular song. 2.They tried to get into the club but were refused a . 3.In order to find a new way to cure his mother,he e . on himself. 4.The company made a wealthy p of 3 million last year. 5.I bought a ring for my girlfriend as a s .;6.Every ________(生物) has its own way of life. 7.Stop living in a ________(幻想) world. You should be realistic. 8.The (设备) of the office was also burnt in the fire. 9.Only a small ________(少数) of students are interested in politics these days. 10.Every week goes by with some ________(进展) in technology.;Ⅱ.短语填空 1. you are tired.You’ve been working for hours. 2.It’s a little cheaper if you book the tickets . 3.A small donation can help make a child’s wish ________. 4.It is said that the hotel is of the town centre. 5.Are you the computer software they use?;6.On the basis of our sale f


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