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摘 要 本文是关于。 首先 其次,研究了Pro/E注塑模具“模具组件法”分模设计方法。结果表明,在Pro/E装配设计环境下,不需要创建模具体积块,可以通过导入塑件3D实体设计模型,设置收缩率,直接创建模具成型零件,即模具型芯、模具型腔和侧向型芯,与其他分模设计方法相比较,简化了分模步骤。 然后,在Pro/E环境下的塑模设计中,利用Pro/E的外挂软件EMX5.0(注塑模设计专家)模架库使得设计周期更加缩短,其开模仿真模拟、干涉检查使得设计的准确度较传统设计提高。 最后,运用Pro/E分析软件PRO/Plastic Advisor进行CAE分析,对设计模具进行了温度、压力、填充性、流动性等分析,将分析结果与用户对模具的实际要求相结合,对模具浇注系统、冷却系统进行优化,最终确定模具设计。 关键字:电动车尾箱 ;模具;设计;Pro/E;CAE Abstract This paper is about the shape of the plastic parts and mold design. The fierce competition of market economy to promote plastic products toward more variety, small batch, high quality, low-cost direction. In order to maintain competitive products, product development cycles, production cycles are getting shorter, as the manufacture of various plastic products and equipment of the key technology - computer-aided mold design (CAD) technology development and application of products have become the decision key to competitiveness. Application of this issue dedicated to Pro / E software electric boot shape and dies of dollars. First, the application of Pro / E, the shape of the boot to complete the electrical design and mold design. Forming part of the mold design, gating system, cooling system, core pulling, the introduction agencies. Practice shows that the Pro / E software is used in plastics and mold design, to construct a variety of complex surfaces, so that product design has become more rational, more beautiful appearance, but also reduce the mold design cycle and improve design accuracy . Second, the study of the Pro / E injection mold mold components Law sub-mode design. The results showed that Pro / E assembly design environment, the need to create a die size of the block, you can import 3D solid plastic part design model, setting shrinkage, creating a direct molding parts, that is, the mold core and mold cavity and lateral core, and other sub-module design methods are more simplified parting steps. Then, in the Pro / E environment for mold design, the use of Pro / Es plug-in sof


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