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美国当地时间26日,哈佛大学基金会为拉丁天后夏奇拉颁发年度艺人奖,以表扬她在艺术及人道工作方面的杰出贡献。夏奇拉身穿黑色正装领奖,频频开心大笑。她在颁奖礼上与学生一同表演分享她在人道工作中的经验及理想。的确Shakira是位名副其实的德艺双馨的艺人!演讲稿全文如下啦: ?On Saturday, Shakira was named Harvards Artist of the Year, at a ceremony at the university. On accepting the award, Shakira gave the following speech: ? President Faust, Dean Smith, Dean Fitzsimmons, Professor Pfister Dr. Counter, my dear friend Howard Buffet and, above all, the students of Harvard university. Thank you so much for the honor you have paid me today. Im thrilled to be here, thank you so for such a warm welcome, Ive had a lovely day here in Harvard and I feel extremely?humbled ? I graduated school when I was 15, and except for taking a history course at UCLA in the summer of 2008, I promise?you?I haven’t been in a classroom. So… as I entered the premises today I had to call my mother and tell her: hey mom guess what ! I got into Harvard! Of course she knew it was only for a day! ? Now, normally when I get on stage, and for the audiences sake and sanity Im allowed to sing and dance ONLY. ? Its why youll have to forgive me for making the most of this occasion abusing the podium and sharing some of my thoughts. Not every day Im presented with the opportunity to talk to a group of people that soon will plant relevant ideas in the heads and hearts of generations to come. ? So dont blame me if Id like to share with you some of the thoughts that crossed my mind on the plane ride coming here or things Ive learned from people Ive known through my trips while advocating for universal education in the developing world. ? Now I dont have to tell this audience about the power of education. ? This is the place where the brightest and the best have come to study, to learn and to teach for well over 300 years. ? Your predecessors, the graduates of this university – and a few of her drop-outs – have gone onto shape this country and our world for the better. ? So you have – just like I do today in receiving this award – big shoes t


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