【新概念二】lesson 19 Mina桑.ppt

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【新概念二】lesson 19 Mina桑

Lesson 19 Sold out ;grammar keys;(4)(用于否定句以及疑问句)可能 That cant be David .He had gone to Britain yesterday. You cant be hungry.We have just finished the lunch. (5)表示“准许(做某事)”,可以与may互换 You can smoke in the hall . They can call the police. could 的用法: (1)作为can 的过去式 表示过去的情况,可表示能力、可能性。 (2)用来代替can,说明现在的情况 婉转地提出请求、想法、建议等 Could you please show me the pictures? I could do it now if you want me to . You could write a letter to the President.....; 用于疑问句以及否定句表示惊讶,不相信等。 Could that be true? How could you be so heartless? (3)用于虚拟条件句 I could have helped you out if you had asked me earlier. Why didnt you apply for the job? You could have got it . (4)can+不定式的完成形式,可以用来谈过去的情况 表示“那时(不)可能” He could not have been more than twenty. 表示“本来可以”或“差点就” You could have sent a message. 提出婉转的批评 You could have been more considerate.;may的用法 (1)用来提出问题,“可不可以” May I play here? May I come in ? (2)用于陈述句,表示“可以”或“不可以” You may keep this book for two weeks. (3)表示“可能” Her friend may have gone abroad. (4)表示祝愿 May you be happy every day! May you good health and everything goes well . ;(6)用于某些成语中 may as well 不妨: You may as well take a message to him for me. may...but 或许...但是: Peking may have changed a lot recent years, but its still a cultural city. may well...很可能... Tinas appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize her.;might的用法 (1)用作may的过去式 (2)用来代替may,谈现在的情况。口气比may更婉转 表示“可以” Might I use your pen? 表示“可能”、“或许” She might believe what you said . (3)用于虚拟条件句 If you didnt mind , we might go there (4)表示轻微的埋怨或批评 You might tell me if you are going to be late.;must的用法 (1)表示“必须”,多指现在或将来的情况 You must give up smoking. You must not be late for school. (2)表示推想 You must feel tired after s


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