商务英语写作 7 日常投诉与索赔.ppt

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商务英语写作 7 日常投诉与索赔

* * Patterns and Substitutions 1. We have received your letter of 2nd April, and very much regret the delay in delivering the goods. 我们已收到你方4月2日来信,对于货物交付过程中的耽搁深感抱歉。 * * Patterns and Substitutions 2. On investigation, we find that the mistake was indeed made in the packing due to confusion of numbers. * * Patterns and Substitutions 3. We have arranged for the right goods to be dispatched to you at once and shall be obliged if you will send back the wrong cases. * * oblige to make indebted or grateful使感谢或感激 I am obliged to you for your hospitality. 我很感谢你的款待。 * * Patterns and Substitutions 4. We are arranging Mr. Cheng to call on you later this week to compare the materials supplied with the samples from which you ordered them. 我们将安排程先生本周晚些时候拜访你们,以便把所提供给你方的布料和你方据以订货的样品相比较。 * * Patterns and Substitutions 5. Our check for USD 3,000 has been airmailed to you today in settlement of your claim for short-weight of 500 lbs. 今已航空邮寄出3000美元支票一张,以支付你方对短重500磅的索赔。 * * Have a good day! * * * * * * We haven’t got the personal computers we ordered on June 3. On June 3, we placed an order for ten sets of personal computers. When we discussed the matter on delivery, you promised that it would be made before June 20. However, it is 10 days past the deadline, and your goods still have not reached us. 1.点名问题。 2.详述问题。 * * Adjustment Opening The correct consignment of the clothing material will reach you within 20 days. 1. 告知错误已经纠正。 * * Thank you for your letter of March 3rd and we will take care of your broken-down sewing machines. 1. 感谢对方来函。 2. 表明接受对方的投诉。 * * You call yourselves Good Vibes, but all I’m getting from your service is bad vibes! I’m furious that you have your salespeople slip in unwanted service warranties to boost your sales. 1. 发泄不满。 2. 抱怨对方销售人员的过失。 * * Please credit my VISA account, No.0000-0046-2198-9421, to correct an erroneous charge of $299. On August 8, I purchased a Panasonic VCR form Good Vibes, Inc. Although the salesperson discussed a three-year extended


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