Lesson 5-Make an appointment 商务英语-约会.ppt

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Lesson 5-Make an appointment 商务英语-约会

To meet 会面 Hello, Linda, thank you for your waiting. How are you? 你好,琳达。谢谢你的等待。最近怎样? Not bad. How are you? 还不错。你呢? Good. And thank you for your coming. where shall we start? ( shall we start now?) 很好。谢谢你能来。我们从哪儿开始?(我们可以开始了吗?) Sure. This is our ( company brochure), and this is the project plan, please take a look at them first. 当然。这是我们(公司的宣传册),这是项目计划书,请先看一下。 Thank you. … 谢谢。….. appraise the office 评价办公室 Tasty 可口的 Stylish 时尚的 Spacious 宽敞的 Bright 明亮的 Warm , cool 温暖的,凉爽的 Decoration 装潢 She’s been very helpful. 她帮了很多。 Small talks 闲聊 How did you get here? 你怎么到这儿的? Weather 天气 Traffic 交通 Trip 旅途 Office 办公室 People 人物 Make changes/cancel 约会变更/取消 Hi, this is…, from…, we had made an appointment at 10 on Wednesday. 你好。我是…的….,我们星期三10点有一个约会。 Yes? 是的。/然后呢? I am really sorry to say it, but I am afraid that I cannot make it on time, cause my plane was postponed, could we make it later? 非常抱歉我不能准时参加了,因为我的飞机被延期了,我们能约晚点吗? Sure, no problem. 当然,没问题。 Thank you so much, when do you feel is good for you? 非常感谢。那您认为什么时候比较好呢? …. There is something unexpected happened ( came up) , I have to stay to deal with it. Could I meet you at… 发生了一点意外,我必须处理一下。我们能在….见面吗? There is something urgent happened, I am afraid I cannot make it on time, could we postpone it to…? 发生了一点急事,恐怕我不能准时了,我们能推迟到…吗? No. problem. ( take your time) 没关系。(慢慢来。) Right, let’s meet at… 好的,我们…见。 I will be out of town at that moment, I will be away for 20 days. I am afraid that we have to cancel the meeting. I am really sorry for it. 我那时候不在市内,会出差20天,恐怕我们不得不取消会议了。非常抱歉。 No problem, we understand. ( sometimes it happens) 没关系,我们理解。 We really value the chance to work with you. I do hope we can meet again when I come back. 我们很珍惜和您工作的机会。我真诚地希望我们能在我回来之后再见面。 I hope so. Have a safe trip. 希望如此。一路平安。 Thank you. 谢谢。 Sorry, I am really sorry to say it, the company already had the deal with other company, it was through others. I only knew it several minutes ago. I am afraid we hav


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