职称英语 倒装.ppt

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职称英语 倒装

倒装 倒装是一种语法手段,用于表示一定的句子结构或强调某一句子成分。倒装句有两种:完全倒装和部分倒装。 完全倒装 1完全倒装即把整个谓语放到主语之前(是整个谓语动词,而非助动词)。 例如:In came the teacher and the class began. 老师走了进来,然后开始上课。 2 由地点和时间副词引出的完全倒装句:以地点副词here, there和时间副词now, then 开头,后面的动词是be, come, exist, fall, follow, go, lie, remain, seem, stand等,而主语又是名词时,构成完全倒装句。主语是代词时,句子不用倒装。 Here is the letter you have been looking forward to. 你盼望已久的信在这儿。 Now comes your turn. Here he comes. 3表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词且主语是名词时使用完全倒装 Up went the rocket into the air. 嗖地一声火箭就飞上天了。 Down jumped the criminal from the third floor when the policeman pointed his pistol at him. 当警察把手枪瞄准那个罪犯时,嘭地一下他就从三楼跳了下去。 4在强调状语时 1)当句首状语为方位词或拟声词,谓语动词为go, come等表示位置转移的动词时句子须倒装。例如: Up went the plane. In came the chairman and the meeting began. 注:如果主语是代词则不发生倒装。例如: Out they rushed! Lower and lower he bent. 2) 当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时,句子须倒装。例如: Round the corner walked a policeman. Under the table was lying a half-conscious young man. 5以关联词so (…that)开头的句子中,句子须倒装。例如: So small was the mark that I could hardly see it. So much does he worry about his financial position that he can’t sleep at night. 6 often, many a time等表示频度的状语置于句首时 例如:Often did they think of going there, but they never had a chance. 7.在as, though引导的让步状语从句中 在as, though引导的让步状语从句中,一般将形容词、副词或名词等置于句首。例如: Hard as he worked, he did not pass the exam. 虽然他很用功,但他还是没及格      部分倒装解析 1 部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。例如: Seldom do I go to work by bus. 我很少乘公共汽车上班。 Only in this way can you solve this problem. 只有用这种方法,你才可以解决这个问题。 2 以否定词开头的句子要求部分倒装。注意下列句子中助动词或情态动词提前、甚至补充助动词的用法: 例:Not until yesterday did little John change his mind. 小约翰直到昨天才改变了主意。 3) 以否定副词开头并加状语放在句首的句子要求部分倒装。这些否定副词有barely, hardly, little, seldom, scarcely…… when, never, no sooner…… than, rarely, no more, not only等以及only。 Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake. 只有当他已经说出那个字后才意识到自己犯了个大错误。 注:如果only后面的词组不是状语,则不用倒装. Only Wang Ling knows this. 4)一些如scarcely……when, no sooner ……than, hardly……when


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