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机器人操作臂奇异路径约束最优轨迹规划_连广宇 2002
24 6 机器人 ROBOT Vo l . 24, N o . 6
2002 11 No v . , 2002
: 1002-0446( 2002) 06-0550 -04
连广宇 赵清杰 孙增圻
( 100084)
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L IA N Guang -y u ZHA O Q ng-J eSU N Zeng-q
(Dep artment of Comp uter S cience and T echnology , Tsinghua Univ ersity, B eij ing100084)
Abstract: Key to the pat h -constra ned tr ajecto ry plann ng s to ntro duce a pat h par ameter t o reduce t he pro blem
nto a lo w -d mens o n one. Wh le the path pass ng t hr o ug h s ng ular t es, jo nt var able can hardly be pr esent ed a s
analyt cal funct o ns o f ta sk space-def ned par ameter s, w h ch cau ses d ff cult es g ven to co nvent o na l traj ector y
plann ng . I n th s paper , a new pa ramet er , ar c-leng th o f the so lut on cur ve to the path t rack ng equat on , s
ntr oduced . Based on th s, the path -tr ack ng pro blem nea r s ngular t es s addressed , and s ngula r path -constr a ned
tr ajecto ry plann ng s t ransfor med nto a standa rd o pt m zat on pr oblem , w h ch can be solved by dynam c
pro gr amm ng . S mulat on sho w s t he par ameter zat o n co mb ned w th dynam c pr og ramm ng perfo rm s eff ect vely n
s ngular path t raj ect or y plann ng .
Keywor s: k nemat c s ng ular ty , s ng ular pat h , opt mal t raj ect or y pla nn ng , dynam c pro gr amm ng
1( Intro uction) ,