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2 0 0 3 年 5 月 农 业 机 械 学 报 第 34 卷 第 3 期 曲轴模拟分析和测试技术的研究进展 王 韬 郝志勇 李秀山 冯 捷   【摘要】 曲轴的动力学特性对内燃机噪声、振动以及粗糙刺耳的音质的研究至关重要, 因此必须尽可能准确 地认识其内在机理。在曲轴模拟分析和测试技术研究领域中出现了许多成果, 本文对这些成果作了简要介绍和分 析。 关键词: 动力机械工程 曲轴 综述 分析测试技术 动力学特性 中图分类号: T K413 3+ 1 文献标识码: A D evelopm en t of Sim ula ted Ana lysis and M ea sur ing Techn iques on Crankshaf t       W ang T ao H ao Zh iyong L i X iu shan Feng J ie (T ianj in U n iversity ) Abstract W ith the increasing requ irem en t fo r reducing no ise and vib ration , m o re and m o re atten tion s . w ere paid to research of crank shaft To understand dynam ic p roperties of a crank shaft is very im . po rtan t on no ise and vib ration studies of an in ternal com bu stion engine In th is paper several as pects of a crank shaft w ere review ed , including variou s m ethods fo r no ise and vib ration analysis, detection s of crank shaft speed, and m easu rem en ts of crank shaft to rque. Som e im p rovem en ts have been app lied to p rom o te ex isting engine perfo rm ance , low er fuel con sum p tion , design and devel . , op new engines In th is field m any encou raging resu lts have com e fo rth w h ich are b riefly p re sen ted in th is paper. Key words  Pow er m ach inery engineering, C rank shaft, R eview , A nalysis and m easu ring tech


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