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* ISTJ ISTP ESTP ESTJ ISFJ ISFP ESFP ESFJ INFJ INFP ENFP ENFJ INTJ INTP ENTP ENTJ N I F F N S T E S E I J J P P T * Using Type Differences at Work * The clearest vision of the future usually comes from an INtuitive type. 对将来最清晰的理念和远景,通常来自N型 The most practical realism usually comes from a Sensing type. 最讲求实际的现实想法,通常来自S型 The most incisive analysis usually comes from Thinking type 最精确的分析,通常来自T型 The most skillful understanding and handling of people usually comes from a Feeling type. 最擅长于了解人和处理与人有关的事的,通常是F型 Using Type Differences at Work * Team Prediction (1) The more similarity between individual types, the sooner to understand ; the more different , the slower to understand. 个人类型越是想像,彼此间的理解比较快;个人类型越是不同,彼此间的了解比较慢 The more similar members, the more quickly the reaching decisions but making more errors(Blind Spots) ... 越是想像的团队成员,能很快地达成一致,进行决定,但同时也产生更多错误(因为盲点) * Team Prediction (2) Team members who are opposite on all may have trouble achieving an understanding; members who share two preferences from each of the opposites may act as “translator” 团队成员各不相同可能导致达到一致很困难;团队成员同时有2种偏好,会成为团队的沟通桥梁 * Team Prediction (3) The person who is the only representative of a certain preference may be seen as “different” from the others 如果有一个团队成员是某一种偏好的唯一代表,会被团队其他成员看成“不同”或“格格不入” Team members who come to appreciate and work with different types may help to diffuse conflict. 如果团队成员可以欣赏不同的性格类型,对分散冲突有帮助 16种性格类型 * ISFJ * ? ? Myers-Briggs? Most Chosen Careers ? ? ? ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ w Police Officer/Detective w Steelworker w Mechanical Engineer w Math Teacher w Accountant Dentist Military Officer _S_J w Hairdresser w Clergy w Nurses: all types w Clerical Supervisor w Teacher: K-12 Doctor of Osteopathy w Bookkeeper w Speech Pathologist _S_J w Marketing w Clergy w Education consultant w Pathologist w English, Art, Music teacher w Librarian Social Worker _NF_ w Editor w Computer Programmer w Lawyer w Photographer w Electrical Engineer w Chemical Scientist Mgmt. Co


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