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J Biomed Eng 2007; 24( 5) -1 1, 3 1 3 3 2 1, 3 3 李树刚  邓小燕 赵 洪 黄秀东 于廷和 陈 勇  但国平 1( 重庆大学 生物工程学院, 重庆 4 00044) 2 ( 重庆医科大学, 重庆 400045) 3( 重庆科润生物医药研发有限公司, 重庆 400045) IL -1ra , 8 M , 4 5 , IL -1r a 95% , 110 IU / mg , Wester n - -1 Blot ting IL r a -1 Using Process of Refolding the Protein to Obtain Recombinant Human -1 Interleukin Receptor Antagonist 1, 3 1 3 3 Li Shugang Deng iaoyan Zhao Hong Huang iudong 2 1, 3 3 Yu Tinghe Cheng Yong Dan Guoping 1( C oll eg e of B ioengi neeri ng of Chong qi ng Univ ers ity , Ch ong qi ng 400044, China) 2( Ch ongq ing M edi cal Univ er si ty , Chong qi ng 400045, China ) 3( Chongq ing K erun P harmaceut ical Co , L td , Chong q ing 400045, Chi na) -1 Abstract Recombinant hum an interleu kin recepto r ant ago nist w as ex pr essed in E coli as an inso luble in - clu sion bo dy T he inclusion body w a s disso lv ed in t he 8 M ur ea and then t he solutio n w a s diluted untill the concent ration o f ur ea becam e 2 M By ion ex ch ange chr om atog raphy the pr otein in the solutio n of 2 M ur ea w as ref o lded and pur if ied At last t he purity o f pr oduct is mor e th an 95% and it s bio activ ity is mo re th an 1105 IU / mg - w hile it h as little end


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