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Bank Service English Bank Service English Part I Daily Service Part II Banking Services Part III Terms of Banking Services Part IV About Olympics Part I Daily Service 第一部分 日常服务 Unit 1 Reception  接待 Unit 2 Suggestions, Requests, Apologies and Farewell      建议、请求、道歉和道别 Unit 3 At the Inquiry Desk       在问讯处 Unit 1 Sentences 1. Good morning, sir. May I help you? Good afternoon, madam. This way, please. Please follow me. Please go to counter number 6. Just here, I’ll attend to it for you. That’s handled over there. Please go through the door, then go straight ahead until you come to the end of the corridor. Not at all./ You are welcome. /My pleasure. 1. 早上好,先生。我能为您效劳吗? 2. 这边请。 3. 请跟我来。 4. 请到6号柜台。 5. 就在这儿,我来帮您办理吧。 6. 在那边办理。 7. 穿过这道门,然后一直往前走到走廊的尽头。 8. 不用谢。 Unit 1 Sentences 9. Would you mind if I asked your nationality? 10.What’s your passport number? 11.May I ask your name, sir? 12.How do you want your money? 13.By the way, do you have a telephone number? 14.Postal Savings Bank of China. Good morning, sir. 15.May (Can/Could) I speak to Mr. Li in the credit card department, please? 16.One moment, please./Hold on, please. I’ll put you through. 17.I’m sorry, he’s tied up at the moment./ He’s in a meeting. 18.May I take a message? 19.I’ll ask him to call you back later. 9. 请问您国籍是哪里? 10.您的护照号码是多少? 11.请问您尊姓大名? 12.这笔钱您要多少面值的现金? 13.顺便问问,您的电话号码是多少? 14.中国邮政储蓄银行。早上好。 15.我想找信用卡部的李先生。 16.等一下。我帮您接通。 17.对不起。他正忙着/他正在开会。 18.您愿意留言吗? 19.我让他稍后给您回电话。 Dialogue 1 A: Hello, miss. What can I do for you? B: Yes, please. Where can I open an account? A: Just here, I’ll attend to it for you. B: Thanks. A: You are welcome. A: 你好,小姐,能为您效劳吗? B: 请问开立账户在哪里办理? A: 就在这儿,我来帮您办理。 B: 谢谢。 A: 不客气。 Dialogue 2 A: Good morning, sir. May I help you? B: Yes, could you direct me to the Credit Card department? A: Certainly, madam. This way, please./ Please go through the door, then go straight ahead until you co


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