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43 12 上 海 交 通 大 学 学 报 Vol. 43 No. 12 2009 12 JOU RNAL OF SH ANGHAI JIAOT ONG UNIVERSITY Dec. 2009 : 2009) 1, 2 3 1 刘 军 , 李金飞 , 俞金寿 ( 1. , 200237; 2. , 200240; 3. , 210016) : 针对燃料电池供电的无刷直流伺服电机, 研究 一种用来释放多余回馈能量的电压泵升 电路, 分析 无刷直流电动机的数学模型与机械特性, 以及伺服电机实现四象限运行的控制策略. 其中, 电动采用三相六状态控制方法, 制动采用控制性能较好的低速能量回馈制动控制方法, 分析 电动和制动下PWM 调制的主电路工作模态, 并经仿真和实验结果验证 其正确性和可行性. : 无刷直流电机; 四象限运行; 电压泵升电路 : TP 273 : A Analysis on 4Quadrant Operat ion of Brushless DC Servo System 1, 2 3 1 L I U J un , L I J inf ei , Y U J inshou ( 1. School of Information Science Engineering, East China University of Science and T echnology, Shanghai 200237, China; 2. School of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai DianJi U niversity , Shanghai 200240, China; 3. AeroPow er Scitech Center, N anjing U niversity of Aeronautics Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China) Abstract: For fuel cell is used as the DC input pow er of inverter, a voltage pumping circuit for releasing ni miety regenerative energy is needed, and a novel pumping circuit w as proposed. T he research on 4quad rant operation of brushless DC servo motor w as given. The mathematical model and mechanical character istics are first analyzed. Then, the threephasesixstate control strategy is used in electro operation, and regenerative braking w ith high control performance is used in braking at low speed, and w orking modes of main circuits are analyzed, w ith detailed PWM modulation of electro motion and regenerative braking . Fi nally, the simulation and the experimental results w ere given, w


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