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* 1.你这几天都一直晚睡吗? 2.谁把你吵醒的? 3.有没有叫他把收音机关小? Have you been going to bed late these days? Who woke you up? Did you ask him to turn it down? 1.你主要做哪些工作? What do you mainly do? 2.你组织哪种活动? What sort of activity would you organize? 3.该组织是非暴力性质的吗? Is the organizer non-violent? 1.骑完单程要多长时间? How long will it take to cycle one-way? 2.有多少人会加入呢? How many people will be taking part this year? 3.自行车车手什么时候开始比赛? When will the cyclists start out? 1.这能起作用吗? Can this work? 2.这个活动目的是什么? What’s the purposen of this activity? 3.比如说,我能做些什么呢? What, for example, can I do? 1.作为一名篮球球星,你最喜欢哪一点? What do you like best about being a basketball star? 2.你能告诉我们一些训练的事情呢? Can you tell us something about your training? 3.你担心明天的比赛吗? Are you worried about tomorrow’s game? 1.你曾为哪份杂志撰稿过? What magazine have you written for? 2.你曾写过探险类文章吗? Have you ever written an advanture article? 3.你能否告诉我其中之一? Could you tell me one of them? 1为什么家长想自己教他们的小孩呢? Why do these parents want to teach their children by themselves? 2.家庭学校没有任何弊端吗? Aren’t there any disadvantages of home schooling? 3.有没有法律来保护家庭学校? Is there any law to protect home schooling? 1.洗手如何能预防疾病? How can hand-washing prevent disease? 2.我们应一直洗手吗? Should we keep washing our hands all the time? 3.在我们洗手过程中我们有什么要记住的吗? Is there anything we should remember during hand-washing? 1.世界人口将成为一个大问题吗? Is world population going to be a big problem? 2.将会有世界政府吗? Will there be a world government? 3.我们将控制一切吗? Will we have control of everything? 1.你到达那里时一切如何? How was everything going when you got there? 2.在那段期间,你遭遇过“文化冲击”吗? During that period of time,did you come across the problem of culture shock? 3.很难跟当地人沟通吗? Was it hard to communicate with the local people there? 1.那样的话,你确实需要回去看他们,不是吗? In that case,you do need to visit them in summer,don’t you? 2.为什么不申请贷款呢? Why don’t you apply for a loan? 3.你在家的时候,有可能找到一份兼职吗? Is it possible for you to find a part-time job when you are at home? 1.他是从一名士兵开始他的生涯的,不是吗? He started his career as a soldier,didn’t he? 2.他从什么时候开始从事绘画的呢?


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