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2002 1 31 - , 2001, 4( 2) : 112-113. community based models of emergency care substitute for the hospital accident and em ergency ( AE) department [ DB/ [ 17] . [ J] . , OL ] . Health Policy, 1998, 44( 3) : 191-214. 1999, 3( 1) : 15-19. [ 11] , , , . [ J] . [ 18] . [ J] . , 1999, 8( 3) : , 2000, 3(5) : 418-420. 111-112. [ 12] . , [ ] . , [ 19] . [ ] . J J 2000, 9( 3) : 65-66. , 2000, 3( 5) : 368-370. [ 13] . [ J] . [ 20] . [ J] . , 2001, 22( 1) : 42. , 2000, ( 5) : 30-32. [ 14] , , . [21] . [ J] . , 1999, 8( 4) : [ ] . , 1999, ( 5) : 21-23. 164-165. J [ 15] , . [22] . [ J] . , 1993, ( 12) : 1- [ J] . , 3. 2000, 21( 1) : 4. [ 23] . [ J] . , 2000, 9( 1 [ 16] , , . [ J] . 2) : 8-9. The current status and ponderati on over the training of general/ family physicians CHEN T ian-hui, LI Lu, HI Wei-xing, DU Ya-ping, WANG Hong-mei, YE Xu-jun, JIANG M in-min (School of M ed ic ine ,Zhej iang Univ er sity ,Zhej iang H ang z hou, 310006, China) : / Abstrsct T he purpose of this article is t o explore the training patterns of general family physicians in China by comparing w ith the programs in other countries. Education of general/ family med


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