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清华大学考研辅导强化班课程 《英语写作》 清华大学外语系 杨朝春 主讲 并提供文档资料 第一讲 General Introduction(总记) I. General Introduction (总论) 1. The Role of Writing (写作的地位) 2. Requirements for Writing in the Exam (考试对写作的要求) II. Use of Language (语言的使用) 1. The use of words(选取最恰当的词使表达生动鲜明、充实而有效) 1) 简易常用词和拼读复杂词 由于历史的缘故,英语和北欧语、希腊语、意大利语和法语有着密切的联系,由此出现许多外来词。而这些外来词在英语本语中往往可以找到同义或近义词。一般来说,外来词较长,拼写与记忆较难,多用于正式文体,如政府文件、学术性著作、法律文书等,属于拼读复杂词;本语词拼写较短,多用于日常写作及会话,属于简易常用词。从应试的角度来说,由于本语词较短、易识别且使用频率高,我们提倡多使用,这样可以提高表达效率,使文章清楚明了,又可减少错误率。 Examples: ask (本语) question(法语) interrogate (拉丁语) 2) 一般词和具体词 一般词具有概括和抽象的特点,适于在段落之首提出主题思想和末尾总结概括。而具体词可以使意思表达的更准确、生动和鲜明,适于展开主题。 Examples: Plant: tree, bush, vegetable, flower, fruit Vegetable: cabbage, turnip, carrots, onions, garlic, potatoes, cucumber, lettuce, cauliflower, pepper broccoli, eggplant, mushrooms, tomatoes Fruit: apple, peach, pear, strawberry, grapes, orange, watermelon, pineapple, mango, bananas, kiwifruit, cherry, apricot Walk: edge, limp, shuffle, trudge, trot, pace, stagger, toddle, stroll Look: see, watch, observe, perceive, sight, spot scan, glance peer, stare, gaze, behold Laugh: giggle, titter, chuckle, grin, guffaw Cry: weep, sob, groan, wail, lament, whimper 第二讲 写作考试中一些常用词 3)写作考试中一些常用词 *Although she is one of my friends, she strongly against my opinion. *She is getting married in next month. *His body is healthy. *Children are dangerous when they play with matches. *In one hand we should study hard, in other hand we should be independent by doing part-time jobs. 1) Such things do not happen every day. This is everyday occurrence. 2) The birds are flying high in the sky. The leader was highly respected by people. 3) The contemptible man is selfish and vain. There’s a contemptuous look on his face. 4) He is a respectable old man. He is respectful toward his teachers. After the meeting they went back to their respective provinces. 5) She is desirous of seeing him again. He is the desirable man for the position. 6) Helping him is worthwhile. It is worthwhile helping him. Th


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