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Step 4 Groupwork Student A,invite three students to your house for dinner.StudentB,CandD,give answers * * * SectionA period1 Can you come to my birthday party? Sure, I’d love to. I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to go to the doctor. Excuse me, can you come to my dancing party? Certainly, I’d love to. Sorry, I can’t. I have to study for a test. A: Can you come to my party on Wednesday? B:Sure, I’d love to. C:Sorry, I can’t. I have a guitar lesson. D:I’m sorry, too. I have to visit my aunt. Accept Invitations: Sure/Yes/Of course, I’d love to. Certainly, I’d like to. Decline invitations: I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to look after my grandmother. I have a piano lesson. I am going shopping with my friend. …… help my parents/ visit my aunt/ play football/ study for the English test/have a piano lesson/ go to the mall/ babysit my sister/ do homework/go to the movies/ go to my guitar lesson/ watch a football match/play tennis/ go to the doctor/ surf the Internet/ go fishing/ relax at home Thanks for your i to visit next Monday. Can you come o to my house to j our music club? He is d the science report with his classmates. He has piano l every Friday. They are having a football m . Can they go to the c . 二、选择正确的词 Thank you for (ask/ asking), but I can’t go to the movies with you. Paul has to study (at/ for) the math test tonight. My mother has too (much/ many) homework to do. Can you come to my party (at/ on) Saturday night? She invites me (watch/ to watch) the basketball match the day after tomorrow. I like playing (piano/ the piano). 三、选择题 Can you play tennis with on Saturday ? A: us B: we C: our D: ours nvitat


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