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2013年3月24日托福口语考题解析   1.   1. Talk about a positive experience you recently had working with another person. Explain why this experience was important to you.   参考答案:   An important experience I’ve recently had with someone was preparing for a class presentation with my parents. I was asked to do a fifteen minutes presentation about my family in my English class. To start the project, I spent some time talking with my parents. I learned some interesting things about my family history from them. Next, my dad worked with me to get the slides right. He抯 an expert because he gives lots of presentations at work being a project manager. At the end, I rehearsed my presentation with them for a few times and got many useful tips on how I could improve. Thanks to their help, I got a pretty good grade for it.   2. Some people prefer to plan what to do in their free time ahead of time, others prefer to not having such plans. Which do you prefer? Explain why.   参考答案:   I prefer to have plans for my free time for the following reasons. First of all, I can utilize my time to get as much done as possible. For example, on Friday night, I would make a short list of the things that need to be done on the weekend. Such as cleaning the apartment, going grocery shopping, taking a walk down the beach, reading for a few hour and spending sometime with the families. If such lists don抰 exist, I could easily lose track of time and forget to do a thing or two. Doing so not only makes my life more organized, it also gives me a sense of achievement sometimes seeing just how much I can do within a short period of time.   3.   阅读:学校要求所有同学参加career skill workshop, 增加学生的skills。   听力:男学生不同意   理由一:他有很多工作,所以已经有很多skills和工作经验了,学不到新东西。不需要参加这个workshop,这个workshop只对一些人有用。   理由二:workshop时间conflicts with students‘ summer plan,很多学生有internship,而这个training是安排在暑假的   解析:   Key Points:   Reading: The school has an acquirement that all students should attend the career skill workshop in order to increase skills.   Li


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